The Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come
The bones of Christmas, ragged torn,
carved, discarded, bin-bound waste.
In the farmyard cruelly born
raised for purpose, culled in haste.
The ribboned knot of cast-off wrap,
stuffed in plastics killer sack.
An offering up of deadly crap
to fill a void that can't grow back.
The joy of peace in frugal life,
of roots in earth as rich as Kings.
Reward born...
Thursday 26th December 2024 12:15 pm
Between two Worlds
For my Father
In dreams my father is with me.
He lives in his nightmare wide awake.
In dreams my legs buckle.
He falls in his nightmare.
I see him, we cannot speak,
his frail hands outstretched to his child.
His hanging mouth a cave
with all his life inside, forgotten.
Asleep in his bed like amber in linen,
withered by time and ages rot.
...Wednesday 18th December 2024 1:54 pm
Larkin and Me
Larkin lived on Dixon Drive
now he's still dead
and I'm alive.
He stacked books
with referenced spine
and trousered coin,
paid in fine.
I lived just off Ethel Road
half a man
but full-on toad.
Crushed into my loutish form
dull schooling
shaped me
to this norm.
Phil moved on,
to Queens and hope
with less despair
and longer rope.
...Tuesday 10th December 2024 7:55 pm
of joy,
of pagan
rite, reaching out
on this silent night
rain your spores that all may
know, seeds of hope take and grow,
to bloom in man’s infertile heart
where once love stuttered, it might restart.
I have succumbed to the temptation of a reverse nonet. I don't often take part in these exercises but in the spirit of celebration thought I might. Tha...
Sunday 8th December 2024 12:58 pm
The last laureates
All the poets of all the kings
with all their fine imaginings
have only ever offered up
the favoured flavour of their sup.
with words so lofty, full of grace
persuading of their given place,
that they alone could fill that space.
Emblazoned coin, gods chosen face.
While those of us with poets eyes
not blessed with pardons for our lies,
see through the c...
Friday 6th December 2024 6:49 am
Mothers of Sons (Twenty years wasted to abandonment)
Women cradled newborn babes veiled with a mothers blood,
their hands steady and assured.
Their love knew no jealous god, no book or holy ground,
their voices spoken not written.
Beaten and defiled by men borne by woman's pain,
men corrupted by instruction and fear.
Their bodies vessel's of nurture and hope, broken by hate,
bloodied fists against bare flesh.
...Wednesday 4th December 2024 8:13 am
Wrapped in sky and heathered hills
caressed by briny horses wild,
so far from dark satanic mills
survives the empire's favoured child.
Once stripped and starved of tongue and god
its people slaved and banished cold,
crofts and mànas razed to sod
that none who dwelled there might grow old.
But land in time calls back its own
disgorging tyrants, killing king...
Wednesday 27th November 2024 4:11 pm
He has taken things from children
and sometimes from the dead,
often both at once
yet not a word was said.
He has broken imposed curfews
commandments and the law,
in many different countries
protected by a war.
He has spoken of sedition
incitement and of hate,
with words as ammunition
he's schemed to obfuscate.
He has dealt with kings and ...
Monday 25th November 2024 10:13 am
War in Season
Ice puddles like lily pads
an archipelago of creeping freeze,
stepping stones of tears perhaps
shed by autumns grieving trees...
then captured in the frozen glare
of sunlight’s first defiant rays,
they'll fade as if were never there
to herald in such hopeful days.
So many things unseen by men
the simple and the subtle change,
that slip through time like...
Wednesday 20th November 2024 12:17 pm
Epitaph For The Waste Land
I see them in forgotten towns
men in pairs and burdened mums,
nowhere stares with heads bowed down
"Something broken this way comes"
In carless forecourts of bleak hotels
where fag butts rot and litter blows,
cruel deals are done that no one tells...
We turn our heads so no one knows.
While in the dens of whispered spite
be-trolleyed locals sneer and scoff...
Wednesday 13th November 2024 5:21 pm
They Also Serve
Though there are wars we cannot see
their wounds and scars leave history
some is carved in marbled stone
the names of those beloved and known...
and some is seared to flesh and mind
unknown to those we left behind
who waved us off and served us well
and in their waiting shared our hell
Video and Audio available at link below
Sunday 10th November 2024 9:35 am
Trafficked, Gangmasters Vlad & Kim
Flesh is commodity
guns universal
uniforms reversable
flags incontrovertible
Kimchi for Borscht
tank for a horse
fodder for force
mutual of course
Bodies for bags
medals perhaps
dictators relapse
generational gaps
Star for a Sickle
water for trickle
allegiance for fickle
too much for so Little
Blood for the soil
dollars fo...
Friday 8th November 2024 6:27 am
No Accounting
The Jag is in the driveway
behind the iron gates,
the home was christened "My-Way"
(he who loses hesitates)
All the frills are garish
from The Pillars to The Pool,
the gothic-faux nightmarish
its rendition most uncool.
The topiary is phallic
it's freudiently flawed,
the colour palette so manic
passing psychopaths applaud.
A bronze eagle guard...
Monday 4th November 2024 3:08 pm
Poplars in November
Their branches proud above the town
like men in rank, their feet in mud,
skyward facing they can't look down
their roots fixed in this land of blood.
And onward, over fields and seas
men wrenched their hearts too far from home,
mere saplings who would not make trees
but from whose seed a nation's grown.
Across the green, the cenotaph
its lonely stone, rain...
Thursday 24th October 2024 2:41 pm
Postea Vitam
Where might you be?
not on some lazy Isle sun-kissed and loved.
In rain-soaked streets beneath epileptic light?
are you where you thought you'd be...
are you un-anchored from your dreams?
passed through their veil of comfort...
real worlds are the sum of all our disappointment
their dark corners offer no redemption.
Is it just the night that brings you s...
Tuesday 22nd October 2024 8:27 am
The last living room
Not much, but at least a place to die.
The faux heroics of killers obliterates their victims...
languishing, chained to the memories of those who wait.
Ignored in gleaming streets or broken in the ruins.
Automatons of death find them; their eyes show all to all.
A news clip, a gif, an empty revenge on waste.
Old men dine in celebration, "Manna and Halva f...
Sunday 20th October 2024 10:38 am
Does Winter come upon an hour
to crush the bloom of autumn flower,
to take the silken petalled ball
before its fading beauty falls.
Or does it come with malcontent
in crueller winds that won't relent,
to drive it hard without reprieve
so all that lived before must leave.
And we who watch those come and go
just like the seasons cannot know,
when turns ou...
Friday 18th October 2024 10:53 am
Holy triptych
Millenia before divisions birth
sands shifted unconstrained,
seas un-parted caressed the earth,
no sacred path by men ordained.
Lands unfolding, gods and kings
psalms and gospels, crescent and cross.
Twelve tribes rising, desert springs,
prophesying wealth and loss.
Borders burnin...
Thursday 10th October 2024 8:13 am
The Shallow Sunbathers
The wreckage on the ocean floor
lies deep,
the treasure that it went there for
its murky world will keep...
as are the souls and truths
of those who dare to seek,
beyond the veiled lies of proof
too many others speak.
Above, the shallow sunbathers
bask in filtered light,
welcoming malignancy
they revel in The Blight...
they'll all go down t...
Tuesday 8th October 2024 8:15 am
A prison is the past
To live in the shadow of one's self
is to never see new light,
reliance upon historic wealth
is the Kingdom of the trite.
To tread unknowing steered by will
is to chance new worlds to see,
the path of men should not be still
that all of man be free.
Audio and Video available at link below
Friday 4th October 2024 12:41 pm
On The Mount
The Orange Groves in salty air
stand proudly, squat toward the Sea
the cultured roots that hold them there
unseen beneath each nurtured tree.
The blossomed fruit pristine with dew
raised up through rock, held firm by soil,
is testament to life anew
and those who gave with blood and toil.
Though the sky will fall and burn
and some may cling to cleft and sha...
Wednesday 2nd October 2024 3:13 pm
On Treachery²
To speak of treachery one should know
that those betrayed
sometimes do sow...
the seed that takes to fertile soil,
polluting blooms
for future spoil.
The revelation of the fact
by gloating fools
unveils their act...
that they unknowing of their fate
expose their woven web
of hate.
Audio and Video available at link below
Tuesday 1st October 2024 7:56 am
The Dead Wood
Men, entrenched like ancient trees
whose branches mock their roots,
their trunks engorged with gnarled disease...
embittering their fruits.
The axe gleams brightly in The Sun
beyond the shaded edge,
where with one swing its work begun
it fells their broken pledge.
To cut and clear the rot away
of stock that's grown too long,
where green shoots feel the ...
Thursday 26th September 2024 10:28 am
His fists to her were love,
bouquet’d bruises in velvet glove.
Her tears like salted diamonds fell
shaped from pain she’d never tell...
her children, not of hope but fear
their ransom all that held her here,
though if she ever could she would
renege her tortured motherhood.
She pictured home as was before
unbent, unbroke behind her door.
The hurt, she fashioned into ca...
Wednesday 25th September 2024 9:30 am
Breaking News
The morning mist conceals the birds,
yet still their lilting song
is heard.
I lay a while beneath my shroud
listening to the
warbling cloud.
The coffee cup drains itself
while topping up my
fickle health.
From radio's reluctant news
blooms yesterday's
emerging bruise...
to spread its spill like rancid oil
toward the day
as if to sp...
Thursday 19th September 2024 2:01 pm
Words emerged from alphabets
born of tongues the world forgets,
hieroglyphics from a wall
their echo sent to teach us all.
The documented "Rites of Spring"
the histories that they danced within,
so frantic that they lost all breath
their language spoke itself to death.
Yet here we stand at Babel’s Gate,
tongues still tied, is it too late?
to learn from...
Wednesday 18th September 2024 10:26 am
Tragic Bus
The bus is double decked for fear
that those below might come too near,
and break the spell of motions peace
where trials and tribulations cease.
I float above the addled Streets
on clouds of ruined ragged seats,
I see the penned in office slaves
computer screens, like headstoned graves...
Traversing through this fashioned feast
I'm swallowed by some other...
Sunday 15th September 2024 7:07 pm
In the pit of me
my own epitome,
within which lies
the wasted grit of me.
From pearl to sand
the sea made land,
washed up and used
a gift abused.
The clam prised wide,
hollow inside,
pearlescent sheen
of what had been.
The jagged edge
remains to tell,
that trusted pledge
can be but shell.
Audio and Video available at link be...
Thursday 12th September 2024 10:16 am
Four Stations
Four Stations,
stumbling steps,
life’s precepts.
The hand of peace,
a step toward,
that distance cease
with loves reward.
Four Stations,
walking tall,
breaks our fall.
Through perilous night
our journey’s wind,
yet we shed light
when we are kind.
There are numerous accounts of "The Stations of T...
Sunday 8th September 2024 10:07 am
Dreams slither away from me.
Beneath sheets of layered retreat
they rise as conjured wishes,
then fall like chances lost.
Memory seeks what eyes can't see.
Invented glories the lies of conceit
history revised where hits were misses,
the balance outstanding, no matter the cost.
Video and Audio at link below
Friday 6th September 2024 7:40 am
Songs to lift a heart
Sometimes like a cat poetry refuses to leave the tree,
we know it isn't truly stuck, it's up there being free.
Among the leaves and branches with jumbled words and winds
that make no sense to anyone unless the songbird sings...
sometimes soft and sometimes shrill it wisps the flailing breeze
to lift and craft within its will a moment sent to please.
All things of form h...
Monday 2nd September 2024 10:43 am
Not to be or R2P,
So what's the Dilemma?
when doing right
makes economies tremor.
When "Never Again"
is reasoned away,
no matter to those
who don't have a say.
The panga and bomb
the fist and the gun,
reign over a song
too often heard sung.
The pen and the suit
the fine things of State,
the willing recruit
to The Profits of Hate.
Friday 30th August 2024 7:32 am
What fear is
It is deep inside
at the back of the cave
where warmth never reaches
where the lick of the flame
is extinguished
by shadow
Something invisible
guards the black hollow
where eyes lose light
like a brain
behind thin skull
its fragile brilliance cowers and coils
It waits
for the unwitting word
that carelessly encroaches
with wickedness and ...
Monday 26th August 2024 8:33 am
The silhouetted beasts and signs
like cave art
in these darkening times
Overnight they herd in scrawl
to gather
on our city walls
Their short-lived lives fade too quick
they die
though they were never sick
What trace might last when we are gone
when no walls stand
to carve upon?
Video and Audio at link below
Friday 23rd August 2024 1:58 pm
The Sand Reckoner
The Sunshine of My Life
cancer neath the Surgeon’s Knife
The Calm that Lulled My Restless Mind
storm cloud of some Other Kind
The Pennies on My Shuttered Eyes
answers to My Living Whys
The Tears that Fall When I am Gone
not absolve me of My Wrong
The Words I've Penned with Flippant Hand
shift and drift like Wo...
Tuesday 20th August 2024 3:46 pm
A Child's Sight
When I was young and only knew
of love as pure as morning dew,
I fixed upon a Scottish sky
with clear untainted childish eye...
and wondered what might lie beyond
to hold my heart and mind so fond,
that I could leave such sheltered home
and without want so idly roam.
Now I am old I've come to know
of love that stays wherever I go,
that see's beyond t...
Sunday 11th August 2024 4:41 am
The accidental tourist
I am of fighting age
though all I've ever done is run
They put me in this cushioned cage
and tarred me with what others done
I'm the apple of my father’s eye
though here I'm stranger fruit
They say that we should leave or die
although they say their Police don't shoot
I am a child alone and scared
though women here have sheltered me
They ...
Tuesday 6th August 2024 1:10 pm
Of Love, Lust and Faith
Farhad fucked his Brothers wife
and with that act also his life.
He ran at first to Gulbahar
though Gulbahar was not so far...
from where a pledge of bond was made
that honour with their lives be paid,
by those who with their blood were bound
and shared with him dishonoured ground.
Wawrina burdened by her fate
succumbed to rocks at Jahannam's gate.
His ...
Sunday 4th August 2024 8:45 am
From Iberia to the Breadbasket (the brackets of battles)
Kransky took one in the head
his smile blown from his face,
the olive grove now green and red
Hail, Mary, full of grace.
The Warrior Poets pitch their pens
from Gijon, west to Alcazar,
convictions morphed from remember when's
"El Corazon's" know who they are
The heart and head are in the fight
torn between what gives them life,
The darkness of the comin...
Thursday 1st August 2024 12:17 am
England now is stretched too thin
Birdsong and where throng begin
The thicket and the wooded edge
as does the honoured pledge
Now where two worlds existed clear
shades of life appear
Diminished of their rich appeal
by destructive zeal
Each precious field each sacred stone
like a flesh stripped b...
Sunday 28th July 2024 3:44 pm
21st Century family values
My grandfather was a paedophile
but otherwise he was great,
always there to meet me
at the school yard gate.
He often seemed distracted
I never quite new why,
he had a funny look
in his evil little eye.
He killed my cat one Christmas
I never could forgive,
So I vowed myself to vengeance
that he should cease to live.
He wallowed in his cancer
...Thursday 25th July 2024 9:01 am
An Airshow Progressive
The Farnborough Airshow is much more than that. It is one of the countries largest Arms Fairs. The deals are made beyond the public gaze, the corporate days outnumber the public days. This poem relates to the masquerade that is The Farnborough Air Show and Murder Incorporated.
Women, Children, Ice cream, Balloons,
excitement, enticement, sonic booms...
Shattered Stree...
Saturday 20th July 2024 5:24 pm
The Uncertain Journey
All along the railed paths from Regents Park to Notting Hill,
we feel the gaze of those long passed whose sightless eyes are on us
Through the Parks of Royal note St James up to Marble Arch,
we tread the lawns as lowly folk and take our pause as Soldiers
Beneath broad streets unpaved of gold from Camden Town to Bethnal Green,
we transi...
Thursday 18th July 2024 1:35 pm
Summer headlines long ago
Caterpillar on a stone beach wall
its concertinaed wavy crawl,
did hypnotised a boy so small
that breeze snuffed out his Mothers call.
Another hand had taken his
as in the jar the insect sits,
two tiny lives broke into bits
as Seagulls screeched the ages tripped.
Caterpillar on a stone beach wall
that never found its wings at all,
but like the child was...
Wednesday 17th July 2024 10:23 am
From Caves to Cages
Words were once no more than shapes
like humans formed from lowly apes,
who dragged their violent knuckles down
yet rose to Coronate a Crown.
Beneath such weight the mind succumbs
with pummelling fists its reason numbed,
from apes to men cruel jungles rise
to build fine cages full of lies...
bejewelled and vast with gold adorned
the "Uneasy Head" lies sev...
Monday 15th July 2024 9:42 am
The Revelation of Dreams
Words fall into dreams like waterfalls
at precipice, where flat earth fools
congregate in village halls
and ponder how to subvert schools
with grappling hooks cross playground walls.
It's just a dream with raining words
no sense required in slumbered peace,
in forests where trees fall unheard
and kingdoms end yet never cease...
a rainbow'd storm of tumbling wo...
Friday 12th July 2024 10:30 am
The house stands quiet behind its useless walls,
as if a wedding cake cut but not devoured.
Discarded tools and children’s toys, the crumbs of life.
Inside, a stagnant calm of dust breathes for no-one.
Patches of earth curled with weeds.
The scratchings of beasts consumed by men
score the kill pen floor. Men who ate with fingers
greased with blood and vengeful mind...
Monday 8th July 2024 4:13 pm
It's a chair,
just a chair
on four legs
standing there.
Facing out,
turned away
been empty now
more than a day.
The cleaner
fumigates all trace,
of he who filled
its cushioned space.
As indentations
slowly fade,
the invoice settled
the debts all paid.
Will the trees outside
miss his stare
when someone else
sits in h...
Sunday 7th July 2024 3:41 pm
A thousand faces
These eyes now laid on natures’ wings
have seen the sum of hateful things,
enough that English Winter Skies
as Pale as death cannot disguise
the salty sorrow in a tear,
intrusive nightmares ever near.
An empty voice shocked free from words
which when it speaks is never heard.
Yet by the River from the hide
I saw a bird and almost cried,
as through its feathered curtain shone
a ...
Friday 5th July 2024 7:04 am
St James of Upper Wield
Chalk and flint the Saintly path
that wends its tranquil peaceful way,
its steepled skies belie the wrath
that split the clouds on darker days.
The refuge of the oaken pew
the coolness of the sacred stone,
that drew the workers, poor and few
to ask they give all they had known.
With barley grain and nurtured lamb
on harvest thanks the faithful came,
as ...
Wednesday 3rd July 2024 12:37 pm
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