The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

An Airshow Progressive


The Farnborough Airshow is much more than that. It is one of the countries largest Arms Fairs. The deals are made beyond the public gaze, the corporate days outnumber the public days. This poem relates to the masquerade that is The Farnborough Air Show and Murder Incorporated.



Women, Children, Ice cream, Balloons,

excitement, enticement, sonic booms...


Shattered Stree...

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WarArms TradeCAATPolitics



The house stands quiet behind its useless walls,

as if a wedding cake cut but not devoured.

Discarded tools and children’s toys, the crumbs of life.

Inside, a stagnant calm of dust breathes for no-one.


Patches of earth curled with weeds.

The scratchings of beasts consumed by men

score the kill pen floor. Men who ate with fingers

greased with blood and vengeful mind...

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A thousand faces


These eyes now laid on natures’ wings
have seen the sum of hateful things,
enough that English Winter Skies
as Pale as death cannot disguise

the salty sorrow in a tear,
intrusive nightmares ever near.
An empty voice shocked free from words
which when it speaks is never heard.

Yet by the River from the hide
I saw a bird and almost cried,
as through its feathered curtain shone
a ...

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Aabey 96 ( a mountain walk )


Buried in her wedding dress

the tomb a ruin now,

cracked open is what once was blessed

where dogs and vermin prowl.


On fertile steps of Grove and Vine

where boots so cruelly stamped,

once yours, now theirs’, that once was mine,

too many tribes encamped.


But hearts and minds don't document

with paper, pen and deed,

what's taken, forced, was never lent


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Hebridean Graves


A Sea Loch Graveyard walled and gated

hues of purple peated earth,

the stones stand stoic, weather dated,

washed up from their briny birth.


Some names unknown "A Sailor" lies,

in silence resting side by side.

Adrift they came from distant skies

as tears that fell, though never cried.


On other shores long lives lived out

to wonder at what might have been,


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Silent Harbour


Borrow against your future days

that this moment ever lives,

for what such credit takes away

the joy of now forgives.


We cannot touch what has gone

nor conjure what's to come,

our memories may live on and on

what's lost might yet be won.


The silent harbour once a throng

with hope and fearful men,

sits peaceful now and has done long

for what was done ...

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My life force has gone

whatever confidence I had is crushed

I cannot hear my voice

I cannot hear any voice

except panic

and anger


I am lost in a street walking the wrong way

shoulders bumped and jarred

I move to the wall

I press hard against it

It pushes me into the flow

my fear turns to violence


There is no reason to lash out

no reason to h...

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Thank you


These dunes have been draped with flesh,

some on summer days surrendering to lovers

some under the gun by blood brothers.

The days between then and now are in the sand,

each footprint, each drop of joy and blood still here.

Children rush the shoreline chased by foamy waves.

We built monuments and carved men’s names

where beautiful children share happy games.



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Stolen dog


A soldier kicked down the door and stole a yelping dog,

the children sobbed while their mother cursed god.


Later the widows were blown out, the roof glowed red

against a ghostly bone white moon.


The dog curled itself to sleep beneath a different flag

after filling its belly for the first time in weeks.


This poem is based on an event I witnessed in the H2 area ...

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