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drive (Remove filter)


Some drive in silence with their mind 

free as the thought patterns they find


Others drive with the crevasses of their soul bare 

to the “lucky” listener sitting there


Some drive with laser-focus, turning on a dime

constantly checking their arrival time


Others drive with beats blasting, casting glances 

hoping partners will join in their dances


Some driv...

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driveroad trip

A Million Ordinaries

I’m ordinary and that’s ok

Extraordinary is made of

A million ordinaries anyway


I can feel Magnolia

Reflecting sheen 

From her glossy dark leaves


It’s early afternoon

Rays warm my left shoulder

My car window lets just enough in 


The faint rattle in my back seat

Plays a bridge

To the melody of my AC


The turns of my car, so familiar

The rout...

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drivehomeordinary thingstreesflowersbirds

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