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Recovery set back

Had a bad dream last night.
Our eyes met,
from you a half-smile, then
we joshed and jostled for a while,
a chaste but tender intimacy,
dissolved into nothing
by the cold night, and
with the soft snoring beside me
came back the bitter memory
of that final cruel put down.

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Mind the Gap!

Thirteen billion years and more
The universe has turned.
One three hundred and fifty millionth of that
Is but a minute fraction on the cosmic scale.
But in that time the earth has been around the sun
Forty times, enough for two generations to try and fail.
As is proper in these enlightened times
It’s considered wrong to treat this gap

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Mind the Gap

Thirteen billion years and more
The universe has turned.
One three hundred and fifty millionth of that
Is but a minute fraction on the cosmic scale.
But in that time the earth has been around the sun
Forty times, enough for two generations to try and fail.

As is proper in these enlightened times
It’s considered wrong to treat this gap
                  if it doesn’t matter...

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Dumping a fantasy

How do you dump one who's never been yours,

who barely cares you exist,

someone whose body you never have held,

whose mouth you never have kissed?

Though there's nothing to dump, dump you I must,

Dump you right out of my head

where images of you haunt and tease,

caused (to be fair!) by nothing you've done or said.

Tomorrow I get my life back I hope

after a fantasy-nightm...

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