FEAR (Remove filter)
You Should Be Looking Over Your Shoulder
You Should Be Looking Over Your Shoulder.
What is in your heart that tells you, you have the right to terrify the children at night.
Is it the keys that hang from your large waist or the badge that says you're allowed to work in this place.
What joy do you get from the pain that you cause and all the games you play behind locked doors.
Why do you always walk with a smile, is there...
Thursday 3rd October 2024 5:35 pm
Why be common when I can be different?
In the hole of the common, fear runs deep,
where the voice of the many stirs us from sleep.
Dress the same, speak without spark,
act like the crowd, it's mediocrity's mark.
Alienated souls, proud in their space,
yet some feel the pull and yearn to escape.
Clarity’s a pain, like islands alone,
different in values, they stand out, unknown.
Children are innocent, while the old face disdai...
Thursday 26th September 2024 3:16 am
Another Bully
Another Bully.
Go on hit me, call me names do what you can, outlook here comes the angry clenched up hand.
You need to understand you cannot hurt me anymore, whatever you do to me I have seen it all before.
Picking on what you perceive to be the weakest children, thinking they are knew round here and there is no one to defend them.
I have never understood by hitting people what y...
Tuesday 17th September 2024 6:31 pm
I just want to be free.
Caged like an animal.
Imprisoned by these walls.
There must be a way out.
I just want to be free.
Through the window I wonder
What the outside world is like
But I am scared to face it.
I stay out of the light.
I just want to be free.
So much guilt weighing me down.
Skulls of hurt and rejection all around
So many questio...
Tuesday 17th September 2024 4:46 pm
The Cliff: A Tall Tale
Don't look down
They say
Starve yourself
Of the unknown
For nobody knows
What's below
I shield my eyes from the cliff
Proclaiming my distrust of the ledge
I sway as the wind
Horrifying nothings in my ear
I dare not peak
Lest the bottom I seek
Tensing, I coerce the rock
To become one
With my feet
If earth hears my plea
Safety is guaranteed
I find
To my dism...
Wednesday 28th August 2024 9:32 pm
The Blatherwight
Hyyre n proave
pon sheed unjoad
in hoye ‘n hoyle-howls
befuddled word, o’blite absurd
he gurgled remott’d vowels
Lesp he ‘n shyy
for ryle deride
aggrinn aggurny byy
rillig speech, from creatured-eeb
flowed his otherworldly vibe
So jue a norn
to borrishly
this being spoke in tongue
but wopeth no apology
for such unbridled shrung
It siff ! ...
Thursday 27th June 2024 1:53 pm
a chapter of fear
a friction of a sense,
is a friction of a power
fear is a sense of fear
fear is a sense of friction
a sense is a sense of fear
a sense is a sense of friction
knowledge is power,knowledge is fear,knowledge is friction
power is a sense of knowledge
power is a sense of fear
knowledge fear fear
fear outweigh fear
fear is a power of fear
outweigh power,outweigh fear
knowledge outweigh kn...
Monday 15th April 2024 8:30 pm
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