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Cassandra Louise on Her Dark Green Eyes.
9 hours ago

Holy War

passionate generals boom their blasphemies;

aim thy cannons at our godless enemies

burn their homes, set fire to the trees

kill every last living thing

start with all the "human beings"

kill every doe, bird and bee that breathe

breeding in the miasma stream

in their demonic energy

fear not, for 

heavy is the hand god feeds

waifers and wine

defenders of the make be...

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Rhymehistoryscienceholy warsreligion

My First Prayer

I pray every one of their children is gay.
Lord, make it so.
I pray one of their sons
murders them in cold blood,
while the rest of their kids cover it up.
Maybe I've spent too long
not focusing on the problem.
Lord, make me ungay.
I want to be taken seriously,
get off this disability.
publish poetry in Braille,
and give all my earnings to charity.
If I promise to pray for your sake,

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Faith - a poem

Faith begins on the edges of understanding 



Faith begins on the edges of understanding

Let me please then fall into this abyss of source where Faith is.

A surfacing, peace filled trove glimpsed first amidst a raging wind,  

its past buried deep by the residue of age old minds.

One personal confrontation, not new yet rediscovered,

Connected to the gentleness of a longed ...

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inspirationalclimate changereligiongodChristan poetrypoetry

race against time

a global race is a global race against time
the hands of time is the race against time
god is the hands of time
god is the hands of race against time
time is in the hands of god
time is in the hands of a global race
god is a race against the hands of time

time race against religion
religion race against religion
religion is a aftermath of a religion
a aftermath is a global aftermath

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Treble’s going

“Look to! Treble’s going…she’s gone.”

I’d cry the time-honoured words when I was young,

my voice a boyish chirrup. Everyone


around me on the belfry floor where hung

the bell-ropes were grown-ups, so it was grand

to lead-off when the peal of church bells swung


to clattering action with the six-strong band

following after, letting fly our ropes,

those woolly sallies...

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bell ringingcampanologyreligion

We Don't Trust Them

We don’t trust them.
Those giants who rule the Earth;
those fallen ones who stole our dominion.

We don’t trust them.
Those royal descendants of “gods”;
those of the divine blood line.

Why should we trust them?
They live in castles even today,
while we still cower in caves.

Why should we trust them?
From days of old,
we die in their wars,
we beg to consume what they own.

Why sh...

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