The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Love on the Allotment

Their love on the allotment bloomed in early Spring

This was a lasting passion, no fleeting seasonal fling

The seeds of it were scattered in an afternoon of planting

Which concluded in Myfanwy’s shed with groans and furtive panting


While Carwyn sowed his sunflower seeds she tended to his plums

They shared a packet of McVities best, nibbling on the crumbs

When Spring turned i...

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humourhumourous poemsgardeningallotments poemlove poems

wisdom teeth//on purpose

The nurse in green hands me a syringe.

It’s in one of those small plastic bags, you know the ones. They held goldfish crackers when 

you were eight years old. 

She hands me this syringe and says to rinse after eating

that then I should be good and food won’t get lodged in my holes and I won’t get infections or dry socket. 

Watch out with certain foods, she says,

you know, things ...

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Between Insanity And Hope

Still I can smell her perfumes

Different with the changes of her moods

Like the changing shades of her looks

With different stories in between


Still I can see her dancing

With arms clinging around her lovers

Steps in and steps out in rhythm

With different scripts in between


Still I can hear her words

Decorated nicely like fairytales

Driving the lovers c...

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