The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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On Henrietta Street

The children howl, the house is hell
you close your eyes to cast that spell

Rising high above the endless squabbles 
to meet me down upon those sodden cobbles

The rain and fog are gently taunting
your white shirt billows, opaque and haunting

On Henrietta Street…

Two hundred stairs, do I descend
with full-beam smile to my treasured friend

These precious moments, we get to steal

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Flight fearlessly taken,

An escape from this reality.

Too scarred to face

The heights of idiocy,

The lows of idiocracy.

Facing up to a void.

Nothing to fear

Except fear itself.

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My heart,

A bubble, Indeed,

Expanding, every minute,

Every hour,

With words, unsaid,

With thoughts, untold.

Feelings never shared,

For reasons unknown,

But should I,

Share with them?

What will they think of me?

I don't mind,

I want to break the silence,

I want to Speak,

Then why,

Do I feel, so out of words,

When they question me,

Will they accept ...

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Holy Hell In An Airport Hotel

These paths we walk
grounded by responsibility
well-worn routine
practiced intimacy
I could only smile
when you whispered in my ear
‘Take me away from this
take me anywhere but here’

Living in the moment
it’s all we know to do
as you pepper my shoulder with kisses
my fingers explore every inch of you
You said ‘the world is a minibar
cold and empty
but now we’re blessed by this heat

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