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A chink in the armour

I think I found the chink in the armour,

I think I found your disguise,

I think I found what lies beneath,

The true character behind those eyes.


A slip of the tongue whets truth’s cruel form,

And shows me what had yet been unseen,

The wrong choice of word, adjective, verb,

Makes dirty what once had shone clean.


And with that mistake, a whole character shifts,


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loveloverslossrelationship breakuppainmemory

Do you ever?

Do you ever just have tears fall down your eyes?

You have a memory suddenly flash and your heart begins to beat fast and before you know it you're back in the past 

You are wondering what did you do wrong to deserve all the pain from the one you loved 

You have done everything you can think of to get over the hurt 

You want more than anything to forget her voice, her hugs, her eyes, th...

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Broken-heartedlovebreak-upbrokensadnessmemorylove hurts


you call me skinnybones I hide in the girls' room
you yell through the window playground burrs
traveling from past days to now embed
and engender new thoughts flinging
new taunts back to the past



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