The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Winter (Remove filter)

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Winters here, unfortunately

It’s that time of the year, how some people truly do love it.

The cold brings the night early, brisk wind and mild flurries

Grab the old winter jacket, red beanie and gloves with a snug fit

The winters here unfortunately, they’re calling for snow in the mornin

The salt crunches under you as you spread it, one cold gust makes you hurry

It’s that time of the year, how some people trul...

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Autumn Leaves Haiku 俳句

Autumn leaves, skipping

Up the old apples and pears

To her wintry rest.

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A Winter's Chill

Upon a winter's 

Midnight stroll 

I came across 

A pallid soul

Who, like the snow

Was cold & fair

With tearful eyes

Of such despair

I offered her

A warming hand

And woke within

A frozen land

Where, I myself

Turned cold & fair

With tearful eyes 

Of dark despair

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the long winter is almost past

the long winter is almost past



the long winter is almost past

the sun has started to travel back north

trying to get through checkpoints

on its way from southern countries


the snow that was beautiful

when it fell weeks ago

is now slick ice, not pretty

and is dangerous


the full moon shone bright

the last few nights, giving

extra beauty to the ni...

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