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forgiveness (Remove filter)


You lay in bed at night with thoughts that bring you down

You thought that you were strong, but you were wrong

You relieve the moment when you lost it and went into the dark

You lay there awake wondering if you could have done anything different

Could you have made her stay?

Could you have shown her that you lost your way?

You lay awake because you haven't forgiven yourself


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broken dreamsloveforgivenessbrokenheartshamesickanxious night

Blue Sheets

the tears are gone

her eyes are dry

dawn breaks unblinking in the sky


I've confessed all

my conscience clean

surprised she did not make a scene


all those women

the casual lies

yet no questions or fluttering whys


no hint of shock

her sheets are blue;

I told her what she already knew


she'd sucked it up

loved me so much

forgiven all just f...

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Living in the Real World


What is the real world?
Now, where do we live?
Can't we forgive?
Do we ever learn?
Our minds like a sieve?

Some say, "We need war."
But all war is hell --
Yet peace we repel
The twisted with hatred
are under a spell.

The real world is we,
The real world is them--
Sharing, to free --
Diverse as we are,
Can't we disagree?

Now, it seems
fear is ruling our day.
"Might is ...

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evolutionforgivenesshatehatredrealityworld war3 the end

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