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Creative pen

Creative pen

Saturday,27th February 2021


We are love-starved people

always search for and struggle

it is not the matter for an individual

but for all human beings


what shall happen?

if you are desperately driven

you are not attentively heard

and words go into oblivion


think of other means available

make your voice laudable

let people know about yo...

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Life-Live full length

Life- live full length

Saturday,27th February 2021


Life is all about living

and believing

in sacred principles

by all the people


the drive should be aimed at

not claiming the treasure

or wealth of immense measure

it shall never protect your future


life shall have no option

to allow you its retention

you have come alone and

may go to also in the...

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Life is complete

Life is complete

Saturday,27th February 2021


Everything is taking place

at the destined time in all the cases

some get it easier

and some find it tougher


it is commitment

and presented

in the holy spirit

and greeted with an earnest


love is the first step

and taps

the divinity in its truest form

you never face torn strife


it fills


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Born free

Born free

Friday, February 26, 2021

5:47 PM


You are born free

and expected to perform the role of tree

and not to flee

from the scene and to be seen as an escapist


if freedom is your right

you need to fight

for its presence

and take a full chance


duties and rights go together

everybody is expected to defend rights here

along with the duties equ...

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Totally agreed

Totally agreed

Friday,26th February 2021


I gave in to internal awakening

my eyes just closed due to its shining

as truth smiles

I filed my internal satisfaction


for anything I go back to the heart

ask her to report

on mission port

and when to start


it gave me a clear nod

as if guided by God

to seek no further clarification

and swing into an act...

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You have an answer

You have an answer

Friday,26th February 2021


Life belongs to us

so keep trust

you have an answer

and doubts fewer


seek peace

life shall be at an ease

release the positive energy

it has been blessed by an almighty


get the love

and believe

it is one of the most prized articles

for all the individuals


the hatred you can inherit

and gree...

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Mercy flows

life is for us to lead

and read

what shall have its repercussions!

if we have only discussions 


Dr Hasmukh Mehta

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Find love & peace

Find love & peace

Thursday,25th February 2021


Can you find love around?

does that seem so sound?

the answer has to be sought within

an impact has to be seen


how difficult have we made?

and bade a farewell

to the concept of harmonious living

and believing in illusory things


wherever you see

you shall feel free

freedom and liberty

as given by an ...

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Nothing wrong if

Nothing wrong if

Thursday,25th February 2021


Nothing wrong if you run after

outer beauty and burst into laughter

if it gives you joy

you can afford to annoy others


life is all that matters

and offers

some lucrative assignments

to be presented as per your capability


let the worldly things remain illusory

and make us feel sorry

yet we are not afraid...

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She is my choice

She is my choice

Thursday, February 25, 2021

4:31 PM


I felt really crazy

My eyes opened steadily

Not with the sleep

But with her charm and kept staring


"she is of my choice"

My heart voiced

With louder than the sound

And found an echo


She was there for me

Aware but carefree

Ready to respond

And swam like fish in the pond


accepted her...

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Not nature but

Not nature but

Thursday, February 25, 2021

11:42 AM


It is not nature

but human beings here

who create terror

and base their opinion on error


nothing is wrong

if you sing a song

wish for peace

and live at an ease


one country is jealous of another

one religion is a bitter component of another

one region advocates supremacy

another accepts hege...

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Make poets

Make poets

Tuesday,23rd February 2021


Make poets no god

creator or lord

let him remain a human being

a simple character to bring some changes


he can take you nowhere

remove your fears

or pain to bear

but can address you as dear


he knows his duties well

and tells

openly in verses

make misses but amend in time


nobody is perfect

but don...

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Always two sides

Always two sides

Tuesday,23rd February 2021


There may enlarge a gloom

but there is room

for blossom

to accept it is a sign of wisdom


there are two sides

but we have to decide

which side to go

and blow our tune


there are day and night

wrong and right

but we have to fight

to say wrong a wrong and right a right


there is a cycle

for all ...

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Mom-No more

Mom-No more

Tuesday,23rd february 2021


"Why mom is asleep dad?

why everybody is crying and looking sad?

I was repeatedly asking

I could see dad talking with tears


he embraced with love

I could understand little and believe

they all talked of Mom and her illness

but she was laid on the ground with the same smile on the face


people were sitting around wit...

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The mind should be free

The mind should be free

Monday, February 22, 2021

8:33 AM



The mind should not be bogged down

but make it known

that it has a thin layer

that can travel further


the mind should be made lighter

so it can feel lighter

with no restriction on thinking

and taking everything along


the mind should be freed from the vicious campaign

and reign


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No gap

No gap

Monday,22nd February 2021


Wishes are stored

ways are not explored

mind thoughts are not conveyed

the strange relation is dismayed


why do we communicate?

and indicate

our willingness to participate

and open the gate


if it one of the modern way of living

and believing

in active involvement

by way of taking part in moments


anything ...

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Lovely creature-Nature

Lovely creature -Nature

Monday, February 22, 2021

8:33 PM


Lovely and beautiful world

"make it heavenly like" we are told

live and let others live

"love and not the hatred" we believe


why should we not feel proud?

and speak loud,

about the creator

who has given us kind nature!


are we not thankful?

for making our life purposeful

worth honourably ...

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Living life

Living life

Monday, February 22, 2021

8:52 PM


Speak with pride

and decide

how precious is human life?

even if that causes strife


how are we going to lead?

and read

its message in its entirety

and thanking for it to an almighty


you have divine rays

that stays forever

removing your fear

and resist the smear campaign


are we here to live...

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Memory-Special category

Memory-Special category

Thursday,18th February 2021


We always carry

the sweet memory

till the journey

and keep face smiley


memory has a special place

in the heart, chamber to chase

or keep quiet

and let it remain


when life is a mixture of two

it is equally true

that both are important in life

whether with happiness or with torn strife



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I know

I know

Thursday, February 18, 2021

5:41 PM


I know

still, blow

my own tune

and seek heaven


If I spare time

to look around sometimes

it won't serve my purpose

I have chosen already my path


I have a melodious voice

that promises the entire world

to suffer untold miseries

yet, carry it not in the mind


I know fully well

and reveal too


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My eyes speak

My eyes speak

Thursday,18th February 2021


Have I to reveal?

and tell

the whole world about my love

and believe each word


my eyes speak

but feel not weak

it is for you to understand

and take the stand


it is never-ending

but sending you the love's fragrance

so take chance

and realize it at once


I speak on the rooftop

and may not stop


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Never die-Thoughts

Never die-Thoughts

Thursday,18th February 2021

Thoughts should never die

the mind must always try

if power is getting slow

allow it to be up by replenishment

if your ignition getting low

apply the key to show

that it is not drying out

but recharged without falling out

the current incidences may cause worry

and carry

the burden for all citizens

and it shall ca...

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Nothing unusual

Nothing unusual

Wednesday,17th February 2021


Yes, nothing unusual

we take it as casual

as a people and as an individual

we survive because of struggle


we sideline nobody

we care, everybody,

but we take an independent path

and form a good faith


it is an open field

the position is held

the head is raised high

with pride and honour to fly



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Tomorrow-farewell ,

Wednesday,17th February 2021


I shall bid farewell

tomorrow to tell

the world about my loneliness

coupled with sad memory on the face


she did not turn back?

rather sent me a jerk

with the ultimatum of separation

and severing the personal relation


what did it mean?

is it loss or win?

the impact is disastrously seen

I have been...

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Love-Joy forever

Love-Joy forever

Wednesday,17th February 2021


The beauty is a joy forever

we seek to love here

we never threaten

or remain with a hostility driven


not crushing under feet

but greet its fragrance

take a chance to watch from a distance

and not try to pick even once


where should I get such love?

I believed it comes from heaven,

why not it be here on ...

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Posthumus recognition

Posthumus recognition

Tuesday,16th February 2021


Until you satisfy

and reply

consciously to the query

it will add to your worry


one question is pertinently asked

what is your important task?

to write and read

or air the grievances and plead


I often come across

what is gain or loss?

if I write

with an intention to ignite passion


what hap...

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Holy experience

Holy experience

Tuesday,16th February 2021


Now I realize

how nice it was!

to have pregnancy

and feel it as motherly


it was a holy experience

with a unique chance

to have a child in this world

and strengthen the family bond


to bring a child in this heavenly earth

I shall l not take a step back even a death

child is my dream

and part of the famil...

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Smoothly in mind

Smoothly in mind

Tuesday,16th February 2021


If I can't become a poet

I shall not remain quiet

if that doesn't run smoothly in mind

how am I going to find my place?


I may not have a good education

I might not have taken a course at a known institution

yet I have the heart of human being

that tries to bring harmony for the people


I may not use metaphors


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Love-It's purest form

Love-it's purest form

Monday,15th February 2021


Teenage or adult age

it is a privilege to put on the page

analyze its importance

and reveal the facts at once


where from you get?

and let

the factors behind love

it is generally believed


love shall be found in natural objects

with their selfless acts

always ready to work for human beings

and bring...

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Special and holy corner-Love

Special and Holy corner-Love

Monday,15th February 2021


it is a strange way of putting

and hitting the headlines

you have formed your own love line

and defined it honestly


thousands of thought might have appeared

and soon disappeared

but you have stored it in the form of poems

that actually have not reached your loved one


love has a special and soft corn...

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Friendship & relation

Friendship & relation

Monday,15th February 2021


You suffered a little shock

when witnessed a peacock

it raised a voice with melody

as if singing for an almighty


the social platform is for singing

and bringing

love palpitation on fore

not to turn sore later on


"Can I be your friend"?

one proposes at the end

it develops further

to say "hi" and He...

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Valentine Day

Valentine's day

Sunday,14th February 2021


 One of the finest day

To wish"happy valentine day and stay

Cheerful in a special way

This is how we wish and pay special attention


It is purest of pure

And makes sure

How you care for all

And respond to the call


It is not only divine

But makes a person feel fine

Feelings can't be defined

But thoughts c...

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Only love

Only love

Sunday,14th February 2021


Today only love

wishes and cards to give

to express with a firm commitment

life to synchronize and show its worth at present


love to face

and to remain in the race

with an open mind

to find a likeable soul


love sees no creed or cast

but responds to the internal blast

it gives no peace of mind

but finds an equ...

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Peace within

Peace within

Sunday,14th February 2021



it is a sooth layer

it makes you holier

and little lighter


pain and agony vanishes

and finishes

the day with a positive sign

to reign the whole day


it is not to be sung

to bring

some fortune

or treasure from the heaven


it seeks only blessings

for becoming a well behaved human being


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Hasmukh-Smiling face


Hasmukh-Smiling face

Sunday,14th February 2021


It is me

totally looking free

as if attained peace under a tree

with never an intention to flee


it has been taught

never get to be caught

you got to be right

in a day's light


the parent gave me the name

"Hasmukh" exactly to claim

meaning smiling face

in all the cases,


life has remained...

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I shall be

I shall be

Saturday,13th February 2021


I shall be different

in a position to present

with an authoritative approach

and reach an honourable end


the moment I control desire

and stop receiving admiration

that shall enhance my prestige

and may not be in a position to edge out


I shall trim my thoughts

and seek nothing from others

this shall remove the...

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Love me

Love me

Saturday,13th February 2021


Love me for what I am!

never try to tame

I am quite reasonable

for others to see me as a good individual


why people should stare?

and dare

my existence

with so much insistence


I am black and dark-skinned

but never sinned

I made no attempt

and got tempted


I seek guidance

form others at once

I wan...

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Saturday,13th February 2021


Don't be imprisoned

And seasoned

With no reasons

You are a good person


If you want to be confined

And defined

As a weak person

Not even the bright sun can help your


if you act as a slave

and behave

in an irresponsible manner

you shall land in trouble sooner or later


you become mentally impotent


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