love poems (Remove filter)
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #32 {I Am Holding You}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #32} {I Am Holding You}
Sweetheart I am
caressing you in
my strong arms
as I slowly lay
you on the bed
then you giggle
then I slowly turn
your cheek my way
so I can ? kiss
your lips `n` to
taste those lips
tonight are my
best burning memories
that I will remember a
life time `n` every day
for th...
Wednesday 13th December 2017 1:28 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #21 {Just The Way You Are}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #21 {Just The Way You Are}
Baby I just love the
way are because it
has me slipping through
space into the darkest
hole circling us `n` girl
you are amazing just
the way you are `n` the
way you laugh it sends
chills up my spine `n`
when you cry with those
lips so stuck out pouting
makes me want to hug
you `n` ...
Sunday 10th December 2017 5:45 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #7 {A Story About Me I Will Always Tell It}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #7} {A Story About Me I Will Tell It}
If there's
a story
about my
life that's
a story
that I
will have
to be the
one to
because I'm
the only
who knows it
`n` can
tell my
story so
well `n` until
then my
story will
remain untold
Saturday 9th December 2017 6:29 am
Only Love Him
{Only Love Him}
Only love him when you have to let him go
No matter how much it hurts you but you have to let him go
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/02/2017 all rights reserved
Saturday 2nd December 2017 6:02 am
He Told Her Today He Doesn't Love Her Anymore
{He Told Her Today He Doesn't Love Her Anymore}
As she walked through the front door of their home he stands up and looks her in the face and says to her I no longer love you anymore as she took off running to the bathroom upstairs while he ran after her but she slam's the door in his face and then locks it as he knocks on the door saying I'm so sorry darling but he hears her sobbing insi...
Thursday 30th November 2017 8:30 am
Difference between mundane and heavenly
I wrote a poem you'll never read
I'll sing a song you'll never hear
As the pictures on the wall starts to fade
As the dust invades the picture frames
And the seasons come and passed outside my window pane
I still hadn't learned a thing
Time passess as quickly as the clouds crossing from the endless of skies
Your name resonates in the eternal soul of mine
A mundane thing to do is to cry
A ...
Monday 11th September 2017 3:01 pm
I’ll meet you at sunrise
in a past life.
Amber moon burns the sky,
I await dawn,
the changing light.
I think of you and I smile inside.
Deep with passion,
you make me feel so alive.
Monday 7th August 2017 7:40 pm
Can I Have This Dance?
I want to be the one to make you smile
Because I'm selfish
And your smile parts the seas
I want to be the one that makes you laugh
Because your laughing
Reaches deep dark parts of me
And I know that you could be
With anyone but me
Without giving me a second glance
So I hope that you can see
How glad I am to be
With you, and that you gave me a chan...
Thursday 5th January 2017 9:45 pm
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