The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

philosophy (Remove filter)

Beyond The Senses

To see through blindness
To hear through deafness
To smell through knowingness
To taste through tastelessness
To feel through emptiness

To experience the darkness in light
To live in only brightness of such darkness

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Be Guided

To see beyond the blinding truth
And be guided only by light
To hear the music of great composers
And be guided only by true genius
To taste the essence of forbidden fruit
And be guided once by angelic bliss
To smell the sweet taste of victory
And be guided by imagery
To feel stolen unconditional love
And now be guided by The Holy Spirit

I see within your own truth
And am blinded by y...

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And Yet So Very Hopeful

I sleep only to awaken
To all that is so beautiful
To all that is now thoughtful
And so thoroughly awful
And yet so very hopeful

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Kitchen Sink Philosophy - from my new collection about motherhood called 'Mumb'


Breakfast, dinner, tea-

different food, same dishes;

new water, same sink.


Each day, fresh treasure

Organic, homegrown, straight from

the cat litter tray.


You will never peel

the same potato again.

Alas, more will come.


The sole purpose for

anyone’s toaster’s crumb tray

is to upset them.


Once wine filled this glass,

fairy liquid and r...

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cat litterhaikuMotherhoodpeeling potatoesphilosophywashing up


Hypothetically speaking I want to be happy. & that is the only objective I'll pursue. Machination and epiphanies may aid in the constitution of strategies that'll supposively enable me to achieve delectation and felicity, But ultimately what makes you happy? Money, materials? - No. Not at all. Tangible goods can't remunerate and compensate for the emptiness of your soul. Possessions can only stren...

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guilty pleasuresguruHappinesslifephilosophysocialismsystemthoughts

Dear Bob Dylan

"Dear Bob Dylan is a collection of letters written over a ten year span. The letters encompass a literary endeavor by the author as a means to hone her voice without boundaries, to express all that is insoluble and alive in her life and like any philosophy, lend to a new perspective for friends, fans and critics alike."

I am thrilled to announce the publication of Dear Bob Dylan.  Currently ava...

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Bob DylanpoetryphilosophyLisa Zaranbooksletters

Failed Buddha

Life must be held suspended in a glance

That moves backwards, forwards, holding

Your life together, ceaselessly

Reminding that you are

Something; this thing.


You stop looking: You fall

From a vacant gaze

Into vacant skies

Or even less.


That time is now and truth outside

You can assent to abstractly,


While the watchman in your eyes


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