The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Grief is costly and I was broke, 
Not you or him or any bloke,
Could have filled my pot of casting love,
He pulled my purse-strings from above.
That heavy weight of stress I threw,
I shrunk and stole myself from you.
That constant stream of words that played,
For them, a fortune I'd have paid!
I foraged deep for that sweet tune,
But woeful blues, they filled the room.
You wouldn't know t...

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balanceemotional-bankruptcygrieflosslovelove and lossrelationships

28 Years Later

Can you imagine infinity as a 10 year old?

Yet now, 28 Years Later, I think it’s no time at all

I know you’ve been with me, all this while, watching, 

I grew from a child, into a girl, then a daughter.


There were times when I wished you weren’t there,

private moments, intimacies, melancholic memories,

I silently searched for you to surprise me,

my wedding, a fatherly hug ...

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childhood lossgriefhopeloss

It Feels So Far Away This Evening...

October shed its skin across these pavements
now November does its best to wash the mess away
as we glide down the lonely streets of night

Lost in appreciation for the subtle light that guides us
you carry such a heavy heart this season
what was taken brought you this blackness in exchange
I do whatever I can to lift it up for you

My dance of conversation, jig of gentle humour
all my a...

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Doing a deal with grief
'give me today, you can have tomorrow
me all to your yourself'
Whatever it takes
whatever is needed to just survive
the jack-hammer
of nine to five

But grief squeals and grief shrieks
a black bird
trapped in a glass house
clattering to get out

I know those red eyes
when you return into our room
stretching out my arms
'come, drench my shoulder
with your we...

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