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As the sun beats down

on another glorious day,

the blackbirds are singing

in their sweet little way.


The world is still

and my mind is at peace,

how I pray for this stillness

as it offers such release.


The sky so blue

and clear overhead,

the world still in slumber;

tucked up in their beds.


Dreaming of worlds

with strange designs

and, for now...

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June Solstice

The longest day of the year
in the Northern hemisphere.
The most Sun we experience.
For those seeking abundance
it’s a magical time – astrology says.
It has glorious beams and seeds
that you planted in spring
ripen and sweet fruit bring.
And here is a practical advice
that can’t be bought for any price.
Spend time in reflection and meditation
to understand the real world’s creation.

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naturesunreal life


The searing summer sun        

sets on the distant horizon,

setting ablaze

in a shimmering heat haze

the careless cumulous clouds,

aglow with crimson incandescence.


Distant twinkling stars

awake in the turquoise twilight sky;

mysterious worlds,    

afar and on high.


The end of another glorious day

with promise of more to come.

Days as fresh and gloriou...

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Following The Birds

Ballad from my dream
September.15.1995 / September-7-2013
*Updated 2.20.2014*
Trisha M. Hopkins

Im enjoying my walk along outside
Enjoying the warm morning sun
Small animals begin to scurry and hide
Finally my work is done
Here comes some beautiful birds
I see them out of the corner of my eye
I try my hardest to them
But they are too far up in the blue sky
I begin to follow
This ...

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The Picture


My son has drawn the Sun circles

And all the land with the white dove.

The rays of the Sun had different  referrals,

But  they all appeared  in  everyone’s love.

©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 19th of January, 2015

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