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Weathering Heights

She was out of the window

She was up on the roof

She was sitting on pylons

She was somewhat aloof.


She was on wings of airplanes

She was flying with kites

She was in a balloon race

She was weathering heights.

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I See You

I see you there; hiding

Behind layers of an icy stare,

Lurking in the shadows of a wicked wit,

Peeking from behind your "I don't give a shit".


I see you there;


Alone and bare.

Thinking no-one

In the world

Will ever care.


But I see you

And, I do.

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peopleemotionsunconditional lovemasks

my new anti war book with andy n out now poem and link


Train Trip




I'm sat idly on the train, going to Manchester, having a beer.                                                

I see a poster on the wall of a cop, safety.                                                                        ...

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She Defeated Death

She Defeated Death
She should have left the city when the chance was there.                                                                                       
Before the Nazis came, closing the noose.                                                                                                      
She has so many regrets, except on her actions.                                ...

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The weight of the world on a spider’s web.

Everything is relative, life force flows in each blade of glass.

In each house is a guy or a gal just like me.

I see them from the Edge. This epiphany is mine.

Soon to leave my northern lands, south bound.

Writing to where? Autumn views from

Oldham Edge. When will I return?



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squash head




Squash Head


You drive your Mini in mad rush hour traffic

dodging buses like a pinball.

Thinking your 3-inch steel bullbars

will be strong enough to protect you.

Okay, wrong turn! Hit a wagon and see you burn

as Mini explodes and you die very badly.

Your Mini totalled in your crazy gamble but your

3-inch bullbars are still nice and shiny,

my squash hea...

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