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I Never...

I never feel amiss, alone or as a stranger

On days when wandering amongst the trees,

When standing on the hilltop overlooking land of bountiful existence

Or looking at the life’s reflections in blue waters of the sea.


I never know rage, hate or urge of violence

At twilight times when rolling in the silky grass,

When sitting on the tree log by the brook watching appearance of...

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Hey Poet! Suck This


You, the non-aligned. Celebrate for its own sake, complement the creative, rough the smooth out of the level question of hate, vitalizing the style of hard-line writing leverage, spurning the potential agendas of a system whose vital interests supress a stronger passion ~ go join, if you must, be the instrument of forced craft, it has a definitive strength that soon runs out of legs, yet b...

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Confounds very purpose

 in the end what it ensues


Logic macabre it nurtures

plain irrationality accrues


Those closer tend to shun

all unknown you befriend


Despise meant well being

disinterest try to pretend


The time will pass you by

in  state sorry to repent


Unaware you’re of perils

uncertainties it’ll pre...

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