The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Beset current despondency

goads me again to express


Reason for disenchantment

and issues crucial  address


It’s not just plain strangers

but ones considered as own


Despite all indulged civility

apathy in return got shown


Kept seeking sane rationale

 searched the very core inside


Answers did never justify

with none to stand be...

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Feeling blue and lonely,

for positivity I’ve doubts


Long has been torment

 with endless sort bouts


Undoing other’s tangles

accidently I got caught


Intricately opposing to,

how I would’ve thought  


Unknown with intent wily

I still can face and fend


Familiar I can’t decipher

with their density contend  


If success was a hal...

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It indeed turned a folly

telling wrong  from right


Each came out a winner

with me conceding fight


I’ve reached a juncture

doesn’t matter anymore


On face may seem loser

but wiser since before


Likely never transpired

surprising didn’t emerge


Accepted all dished out

veiling own latent urge

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reflectionregretchanged perspective


I’ve reached a juncture

doesn’t matter anymore


On face may seem loser

but wiser since before


Likely never transpired

surprising didn’t emerge


Accepted all dished out

veiling own latent urge


No rue is being nursed

none there to complain


Excused are all ignorant

let my loss be their gain


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Bespoke Monotony


Jaded lasting tedium

beset with gloomy cape


More I try ridding off

seems stuck at nape


Tattered and misshapen

the vilely kind of garb


Root cause for despair

inviting many a barb


Donned inadvertently

as cover up sort drape


From all harsh realities

 when I sought escape


Ever since it stayed on

not even once removed



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Despairlosspoignancyreflectionremorserue regret

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