NATURE (Remove filter)
The Hill Runners (A New Poem)
The Hill Runners
Hill running is something you admire.
It’s in your blood, North Yorkshire’s
Moreish love of loneliness
How the heather heavy tragedy
Makes mountains sides romantic,
Peaks magnetic as a pole star’s pull.
I know you dream of them, those grim,
Uncomplicated, headlong men.
You can see heroic silhouettes –
Black dot specks on blue hillsides
Tuesday 9th December 2014 3:23 pm
Hobby Horses Will Dance
My new collection of poetry, Hobby Horses Will Dance, is available from book shops £5. A collection based on folklore and nature.ISBN 978-0-9929685-1-9
Old Ninth
Blod monath arrived
shrouded in mist and
winter chill.
Soon the firewood
would be stacked
and the cattle
And when All Saints
and All Souls had passed,
Mischief Night gone
and even befo...
Friday 28th November 2014 9:35 pm
Faced With Tomorrow
Deep inside my swollen body, she kicks
.A tiny survivor, a fighter, a warrior queen,
So small yet she's ready to take on the universe...
...yet I feel guilt at bringing her into a world so unclean.
She knows not yet that she faces a future
So shaky, so insecure and unknown.
I'll love and protect her with a tigress ferocity,
But I can only do so much, one day she'll be gro...
Tuesday 7th October 2014 2:36 pm
In Screaming Rain(Thoughts in the rain)
Laying against the darkest wall,
Memories clogged in contorted shock,
Losing consiousness to everything in all,
Its brightest moments dashing up the clock.
The stars dissolve as the sky swiftly falls,
Balled unto the shredded grass,
A lightened match, then a blow to the flames jaw,
Water sunk in the jeans of my last.
Cladded grief material upon my wrist,
Marks ...
Sunday 5th October 2014 1:54 am
Beauty Unseen
Frozen sighs shadow thick,
Fire heaving through the giants teeth,
Her silk dress gliding gently, serene,
Eyes beating like drums on Winter Eve.
He quells her silent tears,
Caressing her sea of particles,
Eliminating the smudges wept across her jaw,
For her eyes spilled a thousand written articles.
"Beauty, beauty is within and without,"
He articulates, palm leveling her ...
Sunday 5th October 2014 1:26 am
I Never...
I never feel amiss, alone or as a stranger
On days when wandering amongst the trees,
When standing on the hilltop overlooking land of bountiful existence
Or looking at the life’s reflections in blue waters of the sea.
I never know rage, hate or urge of violence
At twilight times when rolling in the silky grass,
When sitting on the tree log by the brook watching appearance of...
Friday 3rd October 2014 10:31 am
Significance of the Nineteenth Autumn
As the nineteenth autumn has come upon me,
It’s a whole new world I see.
Treacherous creatures, so often, hush and hide,
And it seemeth to me, a change in tide.
The poetry of soothing sensation has gone,
The glimmering golden glow of the sun is now none.
Some say,’ The Head is battling with the Heart’.
Well ! All Logic has been torn apart.
As I gaze into the vast emptiness
The dawning...
Thursday 18th September 2014 11:04 am
The geese ventured
Peace signs against the sky
Flocked victorious
Towards southern realms
The sun their prize.
Sunday 20th July 2014 10:23 pm
Rain Dancers
The window wide open,
I look to the street
And listen to raindrops
Sporadically beat.
The splitter and splatter
Of dancing on slate,
The light slowly dimming,
The time getting late.
They shimmy down drainpipes
And glide down the pane,
Pirouette off the people
Protected from rain,
In waterproof raincoats
With hoods fastened tight,
Like rain is so vicious
With deadliest bite.
But her...
Friday 4th July 2014 1:28 pm
Two Trees Bending
Two trees bending,
Heads touching brows
Under starlight,
Beneath; a pool,
Swilling softly into peaks
Of undulating rhythms.
And save for swaying, nothing moves.
Nothing has to.
Sitting on its dewy banks,
Time dancing on tiptoes,
So as not to disturb the hush
Of sunsets watching silent souls sleeping.
Friday 4th July 2014 1:27 pm
You are the tree that grew inside me
when I swallowed your stone whole.
When I spoon-fed you with silvern words
you rooted in my deep.
Each morning I’m reborn by you
polishing the dawn till it blossoms in pink.
Exchanging moss coated whispers
our rain softened glances trickle between us.
I am grafted to the notches on your spine.
Spiralling together, we reach for the light.
Thursday 29th May 2014 12:04 am
After Everyone is Dead
Everything that will happen has already happened.
This rain is making the grass greener and
these diseased birds are eating the garbage
from the ground. God continues to text us
encouragement although standard messaging fees apply.
The streetlights will turn green even if
no one is there to drive away,
the bread will turn bad in the freezer
no matter how tightly you wrap it,
and I have...
Monday 19th May 2014 9:15 pm
April Rain
Welcome overcast sky
from incessant heat
Drizzle gently falling
on freshly wet street
Feel is overwhelming
for indolence to set
With drop in mercury
and in rain to get wet
Odd for time of year
coming event it tells
Rains not lot farther
quelling of arid spells
Sprung as a surprise
catching all unaware
Speeding all measure...
Saturday 26th April 2014 8:46 am
Typical Day
Staring out of window
admiring nature’s awe
Picture full of perfection
sans single evident flaw
Indolent tepid sunshine
streaks daubed with gold
As if time has stood still
to treasure and behold
A lone cloud high above
seemingly gone astray
Wending its way towards
blurred horizon far away
The trees swaying gently
with gusts of ...
Thursday 3rd April 2014 7:14 am
black watch
the black watch in the earth’s high rafters provide
covering fire
offering new beginnings for old ends
dropping love stones
that I may cast them at your window
cheering me on from their
high tension purlins, filling the gaps
of naked iron halls to swaddle
the shivered, brittle, steel
as if peripatetic coal dust shawls
Friday 21st March 2014 4:14 pm
bees have cheesy feet
that is a fact I like to share out loud
so with this duly declared I must report,
a garden filled with smelly, flying, bears
working on their winter fat
though garden is more a “nom de guerre”
yet down the road
the doorman’s mantra
“one in one out” is the order of the day
through the cracked masonry of the witches cradle
where the poison failed
Thursday 20th March 2014 9:34 pm
Wild Wolves
Wild Wolves,
I heard you howl
at the moon.
I believe it was
sometimes in June.
Wild Wolves,
You sounded lonely
You sounded sad.
Was I scared?
No I was mad.
Wild Wolves,
You are being
hunted, exterminated.
Wild Wolves,
why are you
so very hated?
Tuesday 4th March 2014 7:10 pm
Another Day Of Bliss
Streaks of tepid sunshine
with magical golden spell
Provoke latent indolence
for fresh fervor compel
Scatter of nomadic clouds
of varied shape and form
Reflect strokes of artistry
nature aiming to perform
Trees full with mangoes
heralding in joyous time
Cuckoo cooing in concord
some singing choir sublime
Distant sight of g...
Friday 28th February 2014 1:32 pm
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