spirituality (Remove filter)
Dear lord
Lord is that you I hear calling laying me down softly as I weep
Lately my will has been falling I pray my soul you'll take to keep
You were the whisper ,my strength , and savior when I found myself on bended knee
The guidance in the dark times my beacon when I couldn't see
I'm sorry sometimes I doubt your plan as I wait for you to speak
When all along you were there a hand pushing me over t...
Tuesday 24th December 2013 6:47 pm
The Absolute Need
Owls hoot in the oaks
the jasmine is heady,
I look from the window
and watch them together
scoop the moon from
the shimmering surface
drunk & unsteady,
I almost believe
we'll be happy forever
I'm 54 and I'm ready.
I almost believe
we are marked,
we are blessed,
so I'm keeping the vigil
to h...
Tuesday 3rd September 2013 12:05 pm
Just Because
Don’t patronise me because I have found spirituality
In fact I pity thee who raise a barrier to inner peace
Don’t let negativity come between you and reality
Just because the Papacy used scripture and literacy to control the catholic community
Just because Christianity causes a lot of controversy when taken literally
Just because science a...
Tuesday 5th February 2013 6:58 pm
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