god (Remove filter)
Beware the shadow by the corner dark,
For there he waits for seven reasons sour,
His wicked tongue hath limitless remark,
Whilst therein seeking whom he may devour.
Be sober and be vigilant thy kin,
Thy adversary waits beneath the pyre,
Then walks about as proud as the lion,
To drag thy wayward souls towards the fire.
Thursday 25th July 2013 11:37 am
and spat it out
and for many years it crawled
before it learned to stand
where it said “I will make you now a fresh bowl,
from my family’s blood”
Friday 19th April 2013 7:43 am
What if the NHS was one of us?
No home, no job, just 12 good friends.
Betrayed by one who swore they never would.
Died too soon for pointless reasons.
What if God the NHS was one of us?
Sunday 7th April 2013 4:13 pm
Beneath The Watch Tower
Beneath The Watch Tower
I watch the man who sits below the oak,
his features twisted by the scars of time,
a body wrapped inside a velvet cloak
of moss, that wasn’t there back in his prime.
He played amid the gnawing granite teeth
that sprung from grassy gums of evergreen
and knew nothing of those who lay beneath,
but only those who, with him, danced ...
Monday 18th February 2013 11:53 pm
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