The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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are we recording?


with that the withered concierge told me

“we don’t want your type around here

too white”

regardless I made love to a cultural icon

away from the conference table

out of sight of the knowing grins

I made her smile

and as  ziggy played for time with no

reason nor rhyme

there and then I decided to hide this story in a


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Rzhepicks 2013


So many faces I’ve seen!

Now I do believe Darwin.


The patient was treated for jaundice,

The autopsy showed he was Chinese.


Rotten is well hidden and forgotten.


Do you mind?

Or you don't mind

because you don't have mind?


The wor...

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Soft Summer Reverie

A small expression about being on the expanse of a windswept field, whatever the season, really, but placed in the golden, summery panorama in this poem. Please enjoy!
Amber reeds, pliant 
in the summer wind 
swaying, dancing-
                     now syncopated
and back again
shouting then singing xanthine etudes

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