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Library Girl

from my new poem book WOW! TATTOO MY BUTT read live in ring of bells, midd, june 2013   Library Girl

She worked in the local library part time.

And liked to read Harry Potter books.

She liked a lad who popped in fortnightly.

He was quiet just like her.

Her eyes sought him out whenever he was there.

A shyness inhibited her asking him out.

In time he stopped go...

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lovelibrarygal and guywarinjuredbombtogether

The Template of my Being

Been there

Done it

Eaten it

Drunk it

Almost drowned in it

Nearly died


Praised it

Cursed it

Dodged it

Traversed it

Just you name it

I’ll have tried


Smoked it

Snorted it

Been traumatised by it

Reduced to tears by it

Laughed and cried


Run it

Walked it

Chased it

Caught it

Wished I hadn’t bothered s...

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Our Berlin Wall

Your east side


Behind the times

Poverty stricken

Oppressed and undone


My west side


Moving the future

Abundant laden

Oppressed and undone


In our dreams

I run

In our memories

You run

Towards the wall

I thought I heard

You thought you heard

The other call



Checkpoint of illusion

Guns down


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lovelove poetry


By the dull electric lamp

arose a vision so intense,

undimmed by squalor, stench and damp

in that Polish prison camp.


Emblems of their offence,

pink triangle and yellow star,

tattoo just below the sleeve

a hunger for tomorrow,

for reprieve. A hope that 

what began in sorrow

would not end in grief.


A fa...

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holocausthomosexualityjewish identitylove

Talking the Walk



Everyone at work used to say

You were good at talking the talk

I did not realise this

As I was too distracted

Listening to you talking

Rather than watching you



And as I walked faster

Alongside you talking

I forgot where I was going

And I fell down a hole

You did not see me or follow

But I could still hear you



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lovelove poetry

Love Vines


Fondness cultivated blooms into a stronger vine,

that winds around until we call it true love for all time…


Take small beginnings and nurture those with care,

only then will you encourage the shoots of love to bear,

that weight life brings for us to manage through the years,

with the strength of our love vines which we water with tears…


There are few fa...

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Lovetrue love

Exit Stage Left



There’s a curious superfluity

of characters

in this play

forgetting the lines

missing the cues

wrong costume changes

a story confused.

Played out in performance

the audience hisses

the writer cringes

the curtains drop

on all of them

inside you.


© Katypoetess 2013


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lovelove poetry

The Oak Tree IV



Not one, but two shadows cast onto the ground

The oaks stand vowed apart in pride

Beautifully synchronised

Too stubborn to reach out to touch


As the seasons pass, they spy and hide

With no eyes to watch each other

Fluttering leaves whisper between their worlds

time momentarily stops


Don’t forget….


Dream with me now,   And when...

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lovelove poetryhatton locks

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