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Turning Over Tables

(Poem dedicated to the Liverpool Tate art gallery which has chosen to buy and display this piece of abusive exploitative art)



Sometimes I wonder if I'm wearing the right glasses

wrong glasses

wrong lens

or  wrong vision?


All around me

people see things

differently -






the unfo...

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abuseexploitationintellectualised art gone wrongloss of humanity


No longer do we slice, strangle

bludgeon or burn victims

upon our godly altars

live offerings for appeasement or power.

Death for personal gain.


Yet behind intimate walls

with calculated cruelty


we sacrifice child, partner, parent

upon slabs of self-interest.

Not much different -

‘Death for personal gain.’


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The Addict

It’s only one more
What harm will it do?
If you really loved me like I do with you
Then you’d let me just have it, no fussing or fighting,
Not sitting here giving me daggers, me lightning
And watching me suffer; I’ll make this the last,
I promise from this day forward I’ll fast
I’ll become a new man; just you wait and see,
But for now will you not be a bastard to me
And just h...

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