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Grimm und Grimmer

could  there  ever  have  been

aught  but  harm

from  such  shrew  whipped

an  abusive  storm


where  it  lead  through

the  corpse  grass

crumbed  trail

of  bloodied  path


stumbled  upon  weather  torn

enduring  pile 

chimney  stacked

nefarious  smile


that  leering  promontory

single  tooth

like  fabled  hag

who  feas...

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modern fairytalehansel and gretelabusegrimm

Starved to Death, for Jovonie















If only I had known

what was happening,

If only I had known

where you lived.


If only I had known,

I would have gone

into your home.

I would have

taken you out.


If only I had known,

I would have taken

you into my home.

I would have fed you.


If ...

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