The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Stephen Gospage on Percival
27 minutes ago

Stephen Gospage on Exposure
40 minutes ago

Stephen Gospage on A lull in the fighting
48 minutes ago

Holden Moncrieff on Ultimatum.
4 hours ago

Binte Afroz on Silent Call
5 hours ago

David RL Moore on A lull in the fighting
8 hours ago

Ray Miller on Ultimatum.
8 hours ago

8 hours ago

Ray Miller on A lull in the fighting
9 hours ago

David RL Moore on Gift
10 hours ago

How Many Questions Our Life Arise?


Not looking at anybody doesn’t mean not to see,

To do the things you like doesn’t mean to be free.

To be at the very verge of life doesn’t mean to die.

And standing on the ground doesn’t mean not to fly.

And how much to pepper so that all could be well?

And how much to sugar to sweeten  the hell?

To live a normal life doesn’t mean not to dream.

But how long to ...

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To Unknow is to Dream

Hey friends


 My latest entry was inspired by a debate I had with some friends recently.The basic principle of this was the theory that you would be happier uneducated than if you knew everything. The theory that Ignorance is bliss.


 So enjoy the poem and if you would like to comment your thoughts on the subject then please do.


To Unknow is to dream

Knowledge i...

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Conversations With An Angel

How many folk have ever had the chance,
to converse with an angel and to glance,
into the eyes of one who flies where they will,
one who we know will never swoop to make a kill...

Up amongst the eagles they may choose to fly,
and perhaps they share the falcon's sharper eye,
does greater vision let them know reasons why mankind,
seems ever ready to break their fellows in spir...

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On the dispersal of water


It’s 1:30 am.

He takes me away from the others unpacking,

opens the front door to the first night

in our first home and squirts WD-40

over both hinges, explains

WD is water dispersal,

NASA concocted this stuff

to keep fields of rockets

from turning orange, then burnt umber.

He heard this on his pocket radio

cycling along blustery North London roads


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Graham Cliffordpoempoetrycontemporaryartcreative writingreactionphilosophybritish poetry

Mornin' On The Desert

Mornin' on the desert, and the wind is blowin' free,

the elements have freedom,

but what about me?


Trailing from bar to bar

like new age saloons,

why's it so hard

just to find me a home?


I keep on wandering,

wondering where's my milk and honey?

People sippin' on moonshine

or as some call it money.


Mornin' on the desert, and th...

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We All Could Be Planets


                                  We All Could Be Planets



     We all could be planets,

We all could be planets with trees and fields,

Streams and brooks,

Oceans and deserts,

Seas and jungle

With mountains so people,

Can walk with their passion for life

Upon the bluest of skies.


     We could all be a planet,

Filled to the highest ...

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Let the Chips Fall

Let the chips fall,
We're cutting down a tree.
But only to build a bridge
made of electricity.

It's connecting you and me,
to a future we can't see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be will be.

The light that shines inside us
is directing you to me.

Fate is in auto-pilot and it flies in stealth
the beauty of surrender
is a new abundant wealth.

To hell with always ...

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