The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

TIME (Remove filter)

'It's Time To Face... Resignation' (Performance)

Earlier in the week I performed 'It's Time To Face... Resignation' at the Empire Theatre in Blackburn. On the following YouTube link, you'll find my rendition!


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Gothic storm across the heavens, splitting

the sky in two creating a rip in the fabric

of the sky into which the earth will fall,

doomed and dead into the abyss of time

forever more. We are the generation of the damned,

condemned to be this for the rest of our lives

until we die, by our own hand

or that of Old Father Time or of our enemie...

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I’m a prisoner in my own life, got a deluge of violent images bombarding me. Oh god make it stop, it brings me to my knees. I swear I’m not a violent man; my problems from the past are years old, at times they come and get me at night, for those hours I’m on my own and vulnerable in my bed, the assault continues.

I try to use my common sense to distance myself from...

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The massive boulder sits in the lea of the moor; it has been here for a million years

and seen everything that has ever happened.

So many tons of stone made up of all of the elements which make up the very

planet itself.

This piece of stone has been here longer than Man himself and it has seen so many years

come and go, from the harsh cold of wi...

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time is a place


Time is the space between the small places, the moments we call now and here is the place and time of our memory as one together.

I would like to take a falling autumn leaf and press it in the pages of my life, a memory of what was and can never again be, a time that ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows, like the dappled sunlit water rippling gently at the edge of the great ...

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'The heavy hands of time'

The Heavy Hands of Time 


For youth

The clock rarely has hands


For the middle age

It has hands

That starts to spin

Too fast


And for the old

Time weighs heavy

Like all Burdon


Knowing that

Most of your time

Has now gone


Watching the youth

Wishing too

That your clock

Had no hands

To spin so fast



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