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Battle of Demon's Run

emons run

and heroes fight.


Doctor Doctor,

Red Bull and happy pills...

yet still no wings to take flight.

I'm in a state of spiritual paralysis

dripping out fears in emotional dialysis.


Demons run

and heroes fight.


Take it back to the start as you tear me apart

memories piercing the fabric of my existence.


Demons run


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spiritualityChristianitygodreligiondepressionmental healthlovefamilyrebirth

Christ Love

The following poem is Christian. I am a Christian,

but I try to be flexible.






Heart beats young heart beats old, with

a love of Christ your heart beats bold.

Be ye rich, be ye

poor, with a love

of Christ you'll

have so much

more. The rain

falls on just

and unjust.

But remember

Christ rain


the dust.


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Christan poetryreligioninspirational

I believe I'm an atheist

This morning, God finally

Put on his hat, and said

'Right - that's it.

If you don't believe in me,

then I don't believe in you


So there.

- and don’t go asking me

for any more favours!'

Bang went the door

and I heard Marlene's dog 

bark as he passed the gate

It's all gone quiet

But I'm worried now that

he's not really gone


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God's waiting room

He spoke assuredly,
Like he was God almighty,

His urged prescription was;


Confusion momentarily reigned,
Until a ‘Wet Paint’ sign was seen.

With all the cut-backs;
It was easy to mistake
this porter for the hospital consultant.

Odd though, that a porter
should speak in such a way.

His prescription
unknown would have been the perfect counse...

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religionmedical professionmental healthsubconcious thought

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