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Homo World

What if homosexuality was the norm, not hetero-? A straight's 'coming out': Homo World, 



Homo World

Heterosexuality was unheard of in our town
the thing of New York, London, Manchester’s Mecca
on TV, in pamphlets
relegated to short stories
and Vaseline-smeared-porn. 
Rock Stars and Pop Stars
not everyone. Not us. 
Not in our town. 


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A Thousand Oceans

I waken to the grey smear of day

How weary the wait

Chilly chatter mornings

Rolling like debt

Into never ending anywhere shrill

  To fill the longest heat of day


Like a gypsy’s promise

A kiss

Soft upon wetted breeze


The night




The night is familiar

 Like pages

Opening within a cloak of comfort

Wherein ...

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