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The loved-one's aura

We often cannot see ourselves
As well as those who love us can.
Whilst aware of contour, shade and colour,
Even the highest definition vision, 
Will often fail to sense, the loved-one's aura..
If it's not that we are lacking in sight, 
Perhaps it's that near undetectable reflected light,
From the beholder's eye, that makes us glow so brightly.

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Loveloved one

Hardly original, but still my perspective

Beauty is openness,

beauty is truth,

beauty is not the shallow absence of imperfections

absent mindedly bestowed by youth.


In notions objects and places,

it's far easier to be objective about the subject

of this most subjective of emotions

than it is when we consider faces.


For beauty in people goes deeper,

lasts longer,

is marked over years


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The password to your heart

So that not to be apart,

So that to understand:

If you are the one for me on this land.

 Give me your password!

I'd like to connect with your soul

As far as you are my sole.

Give me your password!

  I'd like to be always with you,

To give my tender love to you.




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