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The Prettiest Music

The heat switches between the rooms
From the front of the house, to the back
And on the bed, your curled form is laid
I'm watching the sky as it cries in the street
Blowing my nose and counting the people
They all carry bags of food to their cars
Filled with treats and sweet desserts
All insults to the hunger pains in my chest

As I move to the kitchen, you stir for a second
This day is ...

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lazinesslovemusicsongsstudent lifeunionwordswriting

The Rose

The flowers unfold

as I pick the rose

walking in the park

way after dark

with my boyfriend.


I lift the rose

as i climb the fence

wondering what the passer-by thinks

of me and my boyfriend.


he lends me a hand

as he stands on the pavement

smiling with his eyes

this handsome man,

my boyfriend.


the passer-by stops

as i be...

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For Fidelity.

I sit alone

you do not sit with me

i sit alone

i do not want your company

i sit alone.


i stand alone

you do not stand with me

i stand alone

you do not stand beside me

i stand alone.


do not stand behind me

do not stand before

do not stand


do not sit

do not walk

do not be beside me.


what ever I do I do alone


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What do you wear Claire in the morning?

What do you wear Claire last thing at night?

What do you wear Claire?


Would you dare Claire?

In your underwear Claire



Doesn’t that feel right?

Would you do it just for spite

Like you did to me last night


You know just the right things to say Claire

Yeah, you certainly have a way Claire

About you

Don’t wanna be without you

Never gon...

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Artist Talking-To Artist

Artist talking to artist

 As Light to Light
No outsiders hearing
What viewers have in sight.
The colours of the paintings
Reflects the artists thoughts
Though the onlookers never know
The artist’s. Mind.
Artist talking to Artist
Like words from a book
Pictures revealing
Their outlook
One slash here, a line there
A rounded curve
A mountain
A landscape.  A portrait
Of dots connecting dots
As ...

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realnurturen artistslovereal lifeflowing

As Is--.He Is As He He Is.


Another outlook

Another view

Uncoloured by perception

Created by Truth.


For in truth the ‘outsider’ artist

is neither within nor without

but above all, and reaching up.

Reaching not looking

Not looking for, but knowing

And being the one person they are.

For truly all artists

Whether within or without

Once unbounded

Are seers – historians Judges

Builders(‘) instructors



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