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Trees with dark green leaves

Pock-mark the urban landscape

Like beauteous sores.  Oases

In an otherwise unblemished bleakness


Out of place in their naturalness

Rooted in the brown earth

Amid the artificially stunted grass

With an innocent hedge there misplaced.


Trees casting their shadow

Providing shade from the sunlight

That gives them their strength and colour

A contrast heig...

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natureearthfriends of the earthplanetlifehumanity





What worlds turn behind your almond eyes, that ready smile,

that childish innocence that lingers long when you are gone?

I feel your warmth through chubby hands and stubby fingers

of a child. You will not make old bones in this cold life

of sticks and stones and superstitious fears. Some careless god

cut short your years; played blackjack with your chromosomes

in a game that ...

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