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Two Kisses

How much are you worth asked a dear friend

'Two kisses and a cuddle' was the reply he did send

'Two kisses may be found for you with ease

But a cuddle is harder to blow through the breeze'

'Ah but cuddles are warm and can last so long

Please see if you can manage to blow very strong'

'Much as I might blow long with all of my might

I doubt you would get that hug afore tomorrow ...

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she sits

she knits

the needles click

as strand by strand

in cracked crabbed hands

each stitch

might haul them

back to land


her days, her nights are one, the same -

a gift of darkness borne by grief

to wounds already salted well.

lips taste each quarter

of the wind; she hears the tides

advance, retreat -

as if in echoes from

some  ancient stranded shell.

she feels t...

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