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Time has meaning to everyone,

We may be nestled within our own

Quarter of the globe,

But time is everyone’s meaning

For we don’t know,

Can never grasp the sense

Of how long we each last

Upon this world.

            Time, presents

Depths to write futures and

As humans we hope ascend

The days that history ta...

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A silly poem about hair.











The following  is a

very silly poem

There was a girl named Shirley

whose hair was short and curly.

She never wanted to go anywhere

she hated her short curly hair.


Her mom would say, "Let's

go to the park."

Shirley would say

"Not until after dark."


There came a man

with a silly son...

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There Be Fairies...


There be Fairies in the garden,
for so I have been told,
some share the nests of sparrows,
while others are less bold,
so they sit out on the branches
of trees and listen to the song
from any birds that care to share,
a tune to show them they belong....
September 11th 2011

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-as yet untitled-


outside the window,

an ocean of poppies,

red like denial.


she watched them day-in-day-out,

from sunset to the first shards of sunlight

which crept through their stems

and reflected the underside of their petals.

from this she saw veins, a tiny network of

lines like join-up-the-dots,

a motorway map

thin like emotion.


dadd went to war ...

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poempoetrywarpoetworld war twoworld war 2childrenfamilysoldiers

I Want to be you

I hold your tiny hand in mine

I become you

Because i am jealous

You say "mommy, i love you"

I become you

Because i am jealous

You hug me and plant sweet little kisses on my cheek

I become you

Because i am jealous

How can i be a mother

When i still yearn to be a loved child...

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