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With an illusion

With an illusion

Saturday, June 30, 2018

9:12 PM


we live with an illusion 

there is no confusion at all

it is the tendency to wait for the miracle

and avoid the struggle 


we are a total failure 

and still, want to make it sure

that despite our being dishonest

everything must be seen as the best


the world is same

but we claim

the safe place with...

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In friend circle

In friend circle

It has two ways
to understand and firmly stay
with an insight knowledge
and with the firm opinion to manage

you get full satisfaction
with the self-realization
that you were fully in agreement
and understood its contents

sometimes it so happens
that you are not given
or made to understand
the actual intent and stand taken

In friend circle or anywhere

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Best mean

 Best mean

Wednesday, 27th June 2018


It is not easy to talk

and comfortably walk 

at length on the subject

and summarise an act


but the talk facilitates

and relates

what is actually going on 

in your mind to speak on


not all the people understand 

why is it not easy to take the stand 

and open up to strangers

with hidden anger


So I love...

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Great dissimilarity

Great dissimilarity

Wednesday, 27th June 2018


Good sense always prevail

and human beings avail

best opportunities on the hand

develop the close bond and make friends


Millions suffer poverty

gifted by an almighty

they struggle day and night

to meet two ends and fight


for them, the survival is at stake

the dry bread looks like the sweet cake

they ha...

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Life angle


Life angle to reveal

Monday, 25th June 2018


Everybody lives here

even animals exist without fear

life goes on with success or failure

such is our life's tenure


all people

make the way with the struggle

going on with the endless mission

despite having so much of confusion


but I have decided to be holy

In approach and in reality

not causing any...

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Wrong or right

Wrong or right

Saturday,23rd June 2018


who shall say?

and show the way

to choose right

and fight for the justice


one should know

where and how to go!

select the right path

until the arrival of the death


right for one may be wrong for other

so it is left for all to assure

that what he chooses is the right one

and may not be altered later on



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The danger to the society

The danger to the society

Saturday, 23rd June 2018


We are infested on two fronts

do the right people want?

the execution of the same

and claim the innocence


the society has suffered a lot

as these people are not caught

either by the intelligent way

and still stayed safe


india has a clear culture

but learned people make them suffer

dupe them of the...

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Kind gesture towards


Show small gesture

that shall shine your future

you shall dominate position

and that shall strengthen human relation


let it look small

but shall call

same intensity response

and add a good sense


the flow of small wind is acceptable

but high-speed wind may cause trouble

the trees shall be uprooted

the property shall be highly damaged


nature ha...

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Guilty mind

Guilty mind 

Friday,22nd June 2018

We are human beings
and social animals too
we make human errors
and later on, offer the prayers

this is an advantage
and we sincerely manage 
with an open mind 
we cleverly find the ways 

we have a compulsion
and no confusion 
we intentionally commit the acts
and later on, admit the guilt in fact 

nothing wrong, if it is admitted
before a...

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Hand in hand

Hand in hand

Wednesday, 20th June 2018


Yes, it is all the same

but I don't claim

any credit for the long association

it was only one link and that was the relation


I felt it closely

and never felt it with remorse

i carried on with the total commitment

and made it a memorable event


life as I understood

it was thought for the food

we lived with happ...

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Tuesday, June 2018


Response or no response

one shouldn't feel tense

one should agree on this point

His or her poems should be painted with poetry colors


One doesn't write to please someone

but to strengthen

the close bonds with the readers

and if possible render some service as the writer


as we go in for supporting newcomers

there remains n...

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 Tears fall… Love you, dad



Tears fall… Love you, dad

Sunday, June 17, 2018

9:59 PM



The tears fill my eyes

when I try to memorize

His picture in mind

I only find his kindness


what a feeling for a small kid?

when he goes to read his result

and feels insulted

when the response comes " well done"


But I feel so great

when he states

to others about

my being ...

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Thank God and think

Thank God and think

Saturday, 17th June 2018


Think of no gun

as it shall be big fun

you shall not be able to run

so far goal is achieved by none


even if it is jokingly said

the heavy price is to be paid

for being disrespectful to the creator

and you shall never have the honor


he does everything

not a leaf moves to bring

the fresh air

if you pla...

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Visible lines

Visible lines

Friday, 15h June 2018


The human relations are such

that we are moved to teach

on this issue and raise our voice

with the positive promises


I care for such sentiments

and present

valuable information

for its long duration


I realized that you are not only the real woman

but kind-hearted and good human

you expressed willingness

to sh...

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I wait for

I wait for

Thursday,14th June 2018


I am novice

yet wait for promises

and those sweet words

that show me forward path


your feet sound

definitely send

some signals

of your arrival


yes, it makes me joyful

and cheerful too

as I can smell your presence

and prepare to take the chance


I have told you often

that my heaven

and destiny is i...

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The world may hear

The world may hear


Monday, Jube 11 2018


The time has passed and a new air of certainty has blown

the world is trying to come closer and the result may become known

The memorandum may be signed

to strengthen the belief and peace may be reigned


we appreciate the gesture

that shall guarantee the human future

with the slogan of one world one family

as bestowed...

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Dark coudds

Total dark

Monday, 11th June 2018


It is total dark

as I can't start

for the ungrateful people

who have seen no struggle


there is the limit

at a point where you stop to greet

such people

who can be seen only ordinary individuals


I think it is a final farewell

and it must clearly tell

and also reveal

how you feel!


people may come and go


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Poets never die

Poets never die


Sunday, 10th June 2018


Yes, you are a heavenly abode

and we all bade

not in mourning

but as readers being


who says"poets die"

and no one may try

thereafter to recite your creations

it is woven in our human relation


only mortal shall vanish

when life is finished

but the poems become immortal

and read by all the people



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No moral ground

No moral ground involved

I could not resist
but she insisted
and tempted me to fall in line
that is how I could not decline

why should anyone feel regret 
as it was willingly let
it is like normal hunger
and adults do offer

No morality question involved dear 
so keep no fear
it is correct to hold morality ground 
but no concrete substance is found in that argument

nothing happ...

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Strong resentment

Strong resentment


Sunday, 10th June 2018


I am not helpless

so tell it on the face

I love my brother readers

and dear poetesses


I have written many poems

concerning to them for personalities

as I am being gifted

of reading face lines


I can read lines and evaluate

what is she trying to state

what lies within her heart chamber?

whether she is...

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Given call

Given call


Saturday, 9 th June 2018


It is good to be read by only editors

and remain unconcerned by the readers

as flies also chose known flowers

you must remain the only observer


it is the fault of the silent river

that flows with the abundant waters

its main duty is to serve both the banks

and disappear in the sands


what can an editor do?

if h...

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Collective responsibility

Collective responsibility


Friday, 8th June 2018


It has no meaning

for freedom and liberty winning

if people are not fully educated

and politicians are not related properly to the national interests


in democracy, it is the collective responsibility

and everybody is aware of the national identity

the constitution is not allowed

to be used against or subverte...

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True observance

True observance


Thursday, 7th June 2018


The silence is the best

you can deliver still the best 

but not always, it pays

it brings disgrace all the ways


keep silene when it is needed to 

listen to the advise and get it heeded

but not the dead silence

against repression and injustice


the silence may be the formidable weapon 

but the freedom can't ...

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Little difficult

Little difficult


Yes, we want everyday good things to happen
and also wish a good place in the heaven
It has become a formality and yet a firm tradition
with an intention to maintain good relation

we don't know what shall happen in the daytime
whether we shall do the charitable job or adopt the criminal way
but the return shall definitely reveal
and make you serious to feel



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Real an angel


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

10:09 PM


Her face shines like light's reflection

and her words speak of an impressive reflection

 I am proud to be her close literature friend

as it helps me a lot in the end


she writes with the in-depth touch

and it gives me the real insight

 into what the poetess can reveal

 and we also visibly feel


Being British national


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Decent farewell

Decent farewell


Tuesday,5th June 2018


Why is burial must?

if you believe in tradition and trust

why are the religion rituals aim at decent farewell?

is the soul going to witness the final journey?


whatever he or she did during the lifespan

as bad or good human being

the people may be knowing about it

yet they shall join the funeral procession


the i...

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Steady presentation

Steady presentation


Tuesday, 5thJune 2018


Julie Miles Hello, Hasmukh. I enjoyed reading some of your poems, and found them authentically delightful, as ever. ~J, TBHP


Such is a wonderful response

that makes me repose

more trust on my reader friends

they are my ultimate end


why do I rush for their co-operative hand?

they not only become a close and intima...

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Total peace in the mind


Total peace in the mind

Sunday, June 3, 2018

10:10 PM


No other color fascinates me than the white

it urges me to fight

against the injustice

and breach of the promises


I surrender to the justice

and bow the head to promise

there shall be no repeat of mistakes

for staking the claim wrongly


In olden times, the armies used to raise the whie flag


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Normal human life

Normal human


Saturday, 2nd June,2018


I feel no load

as it leads to the safe road

I will have to carry on

the battle has to be won


as mother

I offer

my sincere efforts

to rach to then safe port


Life may have no soft corner

but I gather

no frustration

and strengthen the family relation


I might have bent back

but so much is at stak...

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Safe in arms

Safe in arm

Saturday,2nd June 2018

I have only one ambition

to cultivate the relationship

and remain with you

for all the time to come and view


I have no other desire

and admire

your behavior

to protect my honor


I could have taken another stand

and reached to the dead end

by making refusal

as an individual


I was of the firm opinion

and we...

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The human quality

Human quality


Saturday, 2nd May 8



Our forefathers have said it

elders have added in it

an old epic revealed more about it

life is precious and hence must be greeted


many intelligent people question

"who am I'? where from have I come?

for them, life is a burden and don't welcome

they always speak with boredom


life has its own charm

if you ca...

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Mental arrogance

Mental arrogance


Friday,1st June 2018


What do you know about the life?

is it full of strife?

well, it has some swings

and it can also bring cheers


it is not the people

who struggle

for two ends to meet

but influential people who fail to greet


life may pose a problem

but we can tackle it

live with the bare source

but there is resolve to fac...

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