The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Learning won't stop

After uni, college or school

You may reach the top

Yet still feel a fool

For each day

Brings new teachers

In many a disguise

Though sadness

Will feature

In the end

You'll be wise

We're all learning


Just not in a class

We find out 

The best things

From our days

As they pass


life lessons

◄ Sussexit

Paper Hearts ►


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keith jeffries

Thu 6th Feb 2020 13:40


Another first rate poem which exudes wisdom. You are right to say that learning is an ongoing process which never stops. Not even college or university can satisfactorily achieve all we need to know but they provide a good idea as to how to learn. Winston Churchill who never went to university and regularly received poor school reports when a boy, became the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature and painted over 500 paintings during his life time. He was a skilled orator and statesman but academically deemed as being not too bright.

There is a place called the University of Life of which we are all members providing we are willing to learn.

Thank you for this


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Nigel Astell

Mon 27th Jan 2020 17:26

Lessons of education
are served with
rewards to show
lessons in life
are so different
these can be
much much harder
but smile shown
means it has
been worth it.


Mon 27th Jan 2020 16:39

Running a rectangular and hexagonal wheels sounds innovative n fun.....?

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Don Matthews

Mon 27th Jan 2020 07:33

I'm just a learner builder
In rollercoaster trade
I know the wheels work best when round
And not when square-like made

(My first effort with square wheels did not move,
I still can't work out why?......)

I know it has to have a wheel
To steer it round the bends
What's that? Am I real sure of this?
Of course it does my friend

(If you say.....)

I asked the Roller Safety Board
To check out what I made
They said it's OK, thumbs up, Don
I let it run, (and prayed)

(Is this real or you just just making it up?.....)

(Don't ask silly questions......)


I'm still learning Ruth......

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