Last Night

Last night as I lay thinking, you sneaked into my head 
I tried to turn you off from thoughts, but you stayed instead 
you made me remember valentines nights from long ago 
Me and you out for the night, kissing dancing slow 

I remembered how you said you loved me, and I you 
Then came the laughter and the places that we knew 
making love was easy that was before the war 
then out came a side to you i wish I had not seen before 

My mother and my family told me at the start you was bad 
I closed my ears to what they said, I wish I never had 
You hit me, You hurt me, You cheated on me then went away 
I really must have been crazy back then wanting you to stay 

That was many years ago well before I heard you had died 
I push all thought about you far away, and I Cried and cried 
Why tonight are you Haunting me playing again with my head 
I thought I had thrown away all thoughts, after all your dead 

Like a ghost tonight you come to me, Hurting like you did 
I want you now to go away, i want to put on you a lid 
Let me heal and carry on, I was doing So Well 
You cant stop this Hurting me, Go back, You belong in HELL


◄ Wanna be a star

My Friend Phil ►


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