The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Extra Terrestrial Poets (Audio)


◄ I fell in love with an Alien (audio)

Haiku Truth ►


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Rick Varden

Mon 25th Nov 2019 23:13

Cheers for your comments. I recorded the tracks in a really great studio with an experienced sound technician. The whole 21 track album ‘is there a poet in the house? Is on Sound Cloud. ?

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Don Matthews

Sat 23rd Nov 2019 20:38


Janet's trying to make contact Fred. Just need to tune the frequency a bit more

blip......blip.....That's better. She's saying you sounded a bit echoey to begin with and thought you nearly got zapped at one stage.

She was shocked you called the ship she co-pilots a 'flying saucer'. The statement you don't believe in them is a risky one. You know what happens to unbelievers when Santa comes sleighbelling over their houses on Christmas Eve. I take no responsibily for her actions in matters like this.......


She'll forgive you this time Fred. O ye of little faith she says.......


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