I fell in love with an Alien (audio)


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Extra Terrestrial Poets (Audio) ►


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Rick Varden

Sat 23rd Nov 2019 16:36

Thanks all, I will watch out for Janet though. I’m posting some extra terrestrial follow ups, WTS.?

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Don Matthews

Fri 22nd Nov 2019 22:45


Janet from some other planet. She can't remember which one. It's not in Janet's Guide to the Universe.

Fred hasn't a clue what I'm talking about. Sorry Fred

Maybe I could do Fred's thing and get a blip...blip....sound effect from BBC Sound Library. Needs to be fee-free cos LMS is broke


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Ruth O'Reilly

Fri 22nd Nov 2019 22:35

I enjoyed that Fred, great sound effects and sci fi storyline. Used to love The Beverly Hillbillies with their cement pond. That Jethro was a bit like an alien lol.

Don what planet is Janet from again?

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Don Matthews

Fri 22nd Nov 2019 21:08


We at Like-Minders Society were worried it was Janet you had fallen in love with.

He hasn't a clue what you're talking about Don

Thalia (LMS secretary) here Fred. You see, Janet is Don's alien spaceship co-pilot's friend who communicated (blip...blip...) that she detected 'love waves' coming from earth.

We listened to your alien words of love Fred and gratefully sighed it was not Janet.


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