The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Stuff the Distance Between Us

entry picture
In between evilly cackling I've taken two of the best minds of my generation and improved them by madness; naked hysterical madness (what else?)
But just who were these two bright young things before two became one, to paraphrase the spice girls in the absence of anyone more inspirational.  Look at the picture, read the poem and disentangle the poetry personalities:

Somewhere on the other side

of this wide night

When their chihuahua got stuffed
and the distance between us,

they were really chuffed,

I am thinking of you.


no need to feed her.

The room is turning slowly

or walkies on a lead her

away from the moon.

This is pleasurable.

no more poop to scoop

Or shall I cross that out and say

I don't know why we bothered

having her alive at all.
it is sad?
 Send your answers to
So, Last months mixed identities proved a little more difficult with only 4 correct answers.
The two unfortunate poets were -

Margaret Atwood – They eat out




Cyril Fletcher - Orange Peel


amongst the incorrect guesses for Cyril (Odd Odes) Fletcher who famously was a regular guest on Thats Life were Milton Hayes, Basil Rathbone and Arthur Askey! Come on poets get this months answers in to Prof. Van Kinstons Lab assistant pronto.


◄ New Venue for Poetica

A to m bombs and a to z gems ►

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