The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Twisting the Hermenuetic Turn

She said, “Jesus wept”
Was her favourite Bible verse,
Because it showed Jesus
Was human and shared
Our human feelings.

I suspected it was her
Favourite because it was
The easiest to remember,
But I guess it isn’t so bad.

It’s better than the ones
That command genocide,
Stoning children, or taking
Virgin girls as spoils of war.

But it isn’t as good as the ones
That say to turn away from
Violence, care for the sick,
And give money to the poor.

The Bible’s a mixed bag that way.
Almost nothing you say about it
Will be too far out of line.



◄ Icarus at the Beach

Very Reasonable People Write The Apocalypse ►


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Don Matthews

Fri 6th Sep 2019 04:02


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Randy Horton

Thu 5th Sep 2019 18:32

Real men get into paradise, don't you know.

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Don Matthews

Thu 5th Sep 2019 09:46

My eyes have just been opened wide
Crushed testicles will not let you
Into the Lord's assembly
(And cut off penis too)

(Deuteronomy 23:1 NRSV)

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