On Bodily Autonomy and Geriatric Femininity

They never ask, the old ladies.
They just hug, pinch, kiss and
Cuddle at will. Babies are theirs,
You know, and they do love them
So much. I guess it isn’t their fault,
No one ever told them they aren’t
Free to touch at will. I once told
A woman to get her hands out of
My hair, and she said no man
Had ever asked her to stop
Touching him before. As an old
Lady, I’m sure she became another
Of the baby grabbers, the snogglers,
The unwanted snugglers, making
Babies turn away and stretch
For Daddy’s protection and loving
Embrace. And the Daddies will say,

“Don’t touch the babies. They are not
Yours to soil with dry lipstick and crepe
Paper skin. You may have thought your
Hands were never unwelcome, but
My babies know the master of their fate.”


babiesbodily autonomyconsentfemininityfeminismtouching

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Randy Horton

Wed 17th Apr 2019 21:43

As a father, I also had many women who felt then needed to give me instruction on how to wrap blankets, hold bottles, etc. They would sometimes try to take the babies from me to show me how to wrap them. Anyway, I'm sure they meant well.

thanks for your comment.

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jennifer Malden

Wed 17th Apr 2019 18:35

Unfortunately too true: I remember some ancient relations kissing one as a child and they smelt strange, not dirty, just strange. They also had hairs in all the wrong places which was rather puzzling. Now having nearly got there myself, I NEVER touch children i don't know, unless to stop them from falling, or going under a bus.

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