The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Red Shed's Poetry Competition

entry picture

The Red Shed Reading's open poetry competition is now open for submissions - £3 for first entry, £2 for subsequent entries. The sole adjudicator is Gerard Benson and the closing date is Friday 30th April, 200.

Prizes: first prize: £100, second prize: £50 and a local Wakefield Postcode prize of £25.

Full Details:


Competition winners will be announced on Wednesday June 9 at
The Wakefield Live Music Project's final event for 2010.
Poetry reading by Gerard Benson (support) and Barbirolli String Quartet
perform with programme to include Debussy, Haydn and Janacek.

The Orangery, Back Lane, Wakefield.

Tickets £12 available from John Clarke, Andy Owen or telephone WLMP box
office at 01924 255666. 

◄ Wanted Contributions to the Write Out Loud Magazine!

Leeds Trinity Writer's Festival ►

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