The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Wanted Contributions to the Write Out Loud Magazine!

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We're asking for your contributions to the Write Out Loud magazine now please.

You could be the star contributor to our next issue!

  • We want audio recordings of your poems - we will mix them, mash them and turn them into individual works of art in The Poetry Jam.
  • We want clever poems from fearless poets - poems that contain deep metaphors, none too obscure references that are relevant, poems that scan but don't bounce along, poems that condense so much into so few lines that they are in danger of undergoing cataclysmic collapse and sucking in weighty matter from their surroundings.  And we want to criticise and praise them in equal measure in Write Club.
  • We want you to show off your audio poems with a musical backing for our Poetry Jukebox
  • We want funny or serious but always well written and interesting Reviews of poetry books, pamphlets, events or any thing else that’s happening in the poetry world
  • We want to know what you're doing that's innovative in poetry, performance, publishing or an innovative event that you run for our What I Do That's New feature.

Send your audio poems (mp3 format only), word format works of ingenious poetry and/or your articles to

Please ensure you have read one or two back issues of the feature you are submitting to first.  It's free and it's available here:


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Red Shed's Poetry Competition ►

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