The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Leeds Trinity Writer's Festival

entry picture

Leeds Trinity University College is holding its sixth annual Writers’ Festival Day on 10th March.

Explore the range of possibilities opened up by working with professional writers. Workshops in dramatic writing, building plots and characters, short stories, and firing your imagination will be offered by experienced writers in their fields: Michael Blackburn; Pat Borthwick; Miles Cain; Ray French, Neil Hanson; Sophie Nicholls; Paul Sutherland and Stephen Wakelam.

The aim of the Writers’ Festival Day is to foster a sense of excitement about writing so that participants will return to their own writing invigorated with a renewed sense of purpose. Writing produced on the day will be included in a publication.

Workshop places are free of charge but very limited so book early to avoid disappointment. For full details and to book places, contact Sylvia Simpson at or telephone 0113 2837126.

◄ Red Shed's Poetry Competition

Lemn Sissay - BBC Recording in Manchester ►

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