The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

blankpages Call for Submissions

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Blank Media Collective are looking for new voices for blankpages – their monthly online magazine – and Issue 19 is available online now!

They accept poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction, and any themes will be considered. Though it should be noted that whilst swearing or explicit content is not automatically prohibited, it will only be included at the editors’ discretion.

To submit your fiction: Whilst simple prose is often the most effective, Blank Media are open to submissions that play with tradition or subvert expectation. Stories should be between 1500 and 2500 words, submitted as an email attachment in Word format to Phil Craggs, Fiction Editor at:

Short shorts or flash fiction between 100 and 500 words will also be considered.

To submit poetry: Again – any theme is acceptable, the main criteria are quality and that you have something interesting to say. Poems should be 60 lines or less, submitted as an email attachment in Word format to Baiba Auria, Poetry Editor at:

There is no payment offered for stories or poems.

Issue 19 of blankpages is available online now from:

◄ Things I Did While I Was Dead

Wanted Contributions to the Write Out Loud Magazine! ►

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