The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.



Honouring Holocaust victims
on the evening of last Monday week
reliving unspeakable  horrors
 through articulate rhyme and speech
we were made aware and reminded
listening silent in mournful array
those despicable thoughts
fired by hate long ago
lurk latent in hearts still today.

Awakened from restive slumber
  "New Order" perverted beliefs
 will repeat old agendas, long term aims
 virulent hatred filled, fallow brains
reviving the dream, inflicting the pain
death on the street,
 cruel fair haired elite

Fervent desciples sow tainted seed
threshed from rich harvests of dogmatized creed
engineered with forethought intention
  to inflame once benign, possessed open minds
promote acts, of naked aggression.

Smother the blazing incitements
 igniting impassioned breasts.
  extinguish the source of misleading news
devisive rhetoric, perverted views
 black hearted malefactors profess.
For only sincere, altruistic love
will "Malevolence," for ever suppress




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keith jeffries

Wed 20th Feb 2019 17:06


This poem is a solemn reminder that the evils of the past are only just beneath the surface of today. It is also worrying that despite the horrors of the past people can still contmeplate a repeat of such prejudice and hatred. The last two lines of your poem is where the only answer lies.

Thank you indeed for this


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