The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Children of Despair

Children of Despair

Children of despair

Conceived in heat and nakedness

Mosquito mental mad

Children of despair

Thrown out in agony

Bloody blinding black

Child of my heart

Slimy solid passing

Waxen withered wail

Child of my dreams

Ripped from me in breech

Crumpled caved condemned

Children of my love

Conceived in heat and nakedness

Saving saved and save

   Cynthia Buell Thomas

◄ To Fellow Poets

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<Deleted User> (7164)

Sun 7th Feb 2010 16:18

Hi Cynthia, i found this to be superb in 'reality' imagery, some sad with a hopeful ending.

Each stanza for me stands alone and could be short poems in themselves. As a whole, i discovered the best way to read it is slowly to pause and sustain the images and profound compassion within it.
Wonderful in my opinion.


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Andy N

Sun 7th Feb 2010 12:32

good stuff, cynthia.. really enjoyed this.. seemed a bit different to some of your other stuff i have read.. keep it going

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 7th Feb 2010 11:57

Cynthia, I'm having trouble with the alliteration. The only one that works for me is in verse two (bloody blinding black). Unfortunately the others don't add up for me, and why repeat "children of despair" and miss an opportunity for additional imagery?

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Cate Greenlees

Sat 6th Feb 2010 19:35

I agree. Clever use of alliteration and technique without detracting from the despair of the subject matter. Its so easy to look at our children well fed and with hope, and forget that other children are not so fortunate. A timely reminder of what it would be like to give birth in such a country.
Cate xx

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Sat 6th Feb 2010 16:48

I like this one Cynthia. Some great imagery in here. 'slimy solid passing, waxen withered wail' having some resonance with me. On the whole a sad poem - so many are born unwanted and in and out of despair. Your last stanza is a bit like the bottom of Pandora's box - beautifully conceived and executed.

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