The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.



On a rubbish strewn corner of Middie
armed with secateurs bin bags and broom
Ros and Jan clear litter
for this years "Borough in Bloom"

Joined by enthused nearby residents
refreshed with biscuits and tea
continue their voluntary clean up
on behalf of you and me.

Uncovering an old rusting street sign
at the edge of the tidied plot
they thought.
It's a century gone since world war one
and in case we might've forgot.

Ros. by way of her hobby
paints the sign a coat of white
emphasising a painted red poppy
to locals and passers delight.

This tiny colourful symbol
provokes passing minds remember
the eleventh hour of the eleventh day
when they called a halt to that bloody affray.
One hundred years since.
come November.

The people at Highways completely aghast
act out of character, very fast
circulating  this round robin copy
"If we can't get at her for breaking by-laws
we'll have her, for being too soppy"

Please!...leave the poppy, to its silent work
jogging present day minds to remember.
 Let it go on and flower
 till the hundreth years past
at the eleventh hour....Of the eleventh day
on a cool Autumn morn next November.



My! How time flies



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M.C. Newberry

Sat 26th May 2018 16:23

A reminder to jobsworths everywhere to see the bigger
picture and not their own limited view of things.

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